Pensions, fragile workers retired after 41 years of activity


Pensions, fragile workers retired after 41 years of activity

In detail of the reform in general of pension We will enter the next meeting already scheduled for September 25. Meanwhile, some points have been placed in the i’s, starting with the fact that Quota 100 will not be touched or sanctions will be introduced until the natural deadline of late 2021. The expansion of Ape social was also confirmed with a possible expansion hearing unemployed workers not covered by Naspi; and Woman Option. Both extensions must go into the next budget law. It was also decided the immediate establishment of the two Commissions, one for heavy work and another for the separation between assistance and social security, whose work was blocked by the Covid emergency. At the table there was also talk of exodus and workers “fragile»: For the latter, according to reports from the unions, the minister would have opened the possibility of retiring with 41 years of contributions.

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In the rich menu of topics that was addressed yesterday also the question of the revaluation of the income of pensioners, whose allocation will probably have a negative impact due to the lack of GDP growth. The unions have proposed to extend the fourteenth to pensioners with incomes of up to 1,500 euros per month. Also open to extension contracts and supplementary pensions. Also according to what was reported by the unions, the minister has expressed the desire to strengthen the tools to accompany workers in companies in crisis by reviewing the size limits provided in the expansion contract. It was a “beginning of confrontation”, a “positive but still interlocutory meeting because it will be essential to go into details about the minister’s proposals”, declared the confederal secretary of the CISL, Ignazio Ganga, according to whom, for example, Ape social and Opción Mujer it should become two “immediate structural” measures.

Even according to the confederal secretary of the CGIL, Roberto Ghiselli, the availability of the government is “important” but “now we have to be concrete and have more precise answers.” Positive judgment by the confederal secretary of the Uil, Domenico Proietti, who among other things highlights the minister’s commitment “to equate vertical part-time with horizontal part-time to access a pension. The proposal for generational change and corporate crisis management were also positive, with some corrections to the expansion contract ”.

Four technical tables will start shortly: the first on Social Ape, Exodata and Feminine Option; the second on iso-pension and expansion contracts; the third on supplementary pensions; the fourth on existing pensions.

