
With the reopening of schools, the first cases of contagion among students, teachers and staff are registered. The main rule provided by the safety protocol for the reopening of schools prepared by the Istituto Superiore della Sanità, the Ministries of Health and Education, the Kessler Foundation and the Veneto and Emilia-Romagna regions establishes that in the event of a positive student by coronavirus all are quarantined those who have had contact with it in the last two days, that is, classmates and teachers: this should allow any school outbreak to be controlled promptly, knowing that Minister Azzolina has repeatedly indicated that it will not be possible restore the probability of clusters in schools. Well, four days after the return of 5.6 million students, this is the situation region by region.
A child who attends a nursery school in Cesano Maderno in Brianza tested positive for coronavirus: according to what was reconstructed by the municipal administration and the school management, it seems that the child was subjected to a smear last September 3 and that, despite the suspected contagion and the test, on September 7, 8 and 9 they continued attending school. The family realized the positivity on September 9 and from the following day the assistance was interrupted. All the boy’s companions and the educators were subjected to swabs today at the San Gerardo de Monza hospital. The lessons for this class are.
Last Friday, the positivity of two students from the Maria Bambini nursery school in Lissone was confirmed, with three sections subjected to tampons and temporarily closed. Two days ago the mayor of Carate Brianza informed the public that at the Sciesa nursery a student had tested positive for covid-19.
The ATS Città Metropolitana di Milano also reported that five students and a teacher tested positive for Covid swab in a micronidium (1 case) and in a preschool (4 cases). The 5 positive classes were isolated.
Two cases of positive covid were found in the Treviso area, in the Da Vinci institute in the capital and in the Cimadoldo nursery. In total, the preventive measure affects about 40 children, adolescents and kindergarten teachers in close contact with the very young. The high school teachers will not have to follow the restrictions as during the lessons they respect the spacing and the use of the mask, so they remain on the job.
A 2-year-old girl from Bangladesh is hospitalized at the Gaslini Hospital in Genoa. This was announced by the president of the Liguria region, Giovanni Toti. “In Gaslini one of the hospitalized children is a child who attended kindergartens – said the governor – Kindergartens, as you know, have already been open before school. We are in the city of Genoa. All the prophylaxis and prevention measures foreseen in the protocols have been taken. Like all children, this is not a clinically worrisome case. Obviously all trace operations are beginning. She is a 2 year old girl from Bangladesh. She has been hospitalized since Sunday in Gaslini. The report reached the ASL 3 prevention office and led to the activation of procedures. Swabs were started on two children, two teachers, an assistant, and two cooks. The kindergarten is not closed because kindergartens of this type work in two-child bubbles. All the other children did not come into contact ”.
Trentino Alto Adige
After the positivity of a child attending a preschool in Pergine Valsugana, three other cases of positivity were detected in a structure in Pinetano, in a primary school in the Val di Sole area and in a secondary school in Roveretano. The contagion registered in the nursery refers to a child who had been accompanied to the emergency room by a fall, in which case he also tested positive for Coronavirus, which activated all preventive measures; Due to the positivity in primary school, symptoms had arisen and the child was quickly isolated; finally, as regards the boy of the Superiors, it is a case related to a family outbreak.
Friuli Venezia Giulia
115 children of Isis Michelangelo Buonarroti from Monfalcone (Gorizia) were able to return to class in fiduciary isolation after a teacher tested positive for Coronavirus: the students tested negative for hyssop, as vice president of the region with responsibility for Health, Riccardo Riccardi. The 115 students belong to five classes of the institute and had been subjected, as a precaution, to fiduciary isolation two days ago. The Region has also released that a student of Isis Dante Alighieri from Gorizia was quarantined pending the examination of the hyssop.
Sixteen students, three teachers and a school worker from a class at the Felice Orsi primary school in Porcari, in the province of Lucca, are quarantined at home after the positivity that emerged yesterday from an asymptomatic child, who yesterday had a Molecular swab, not for established Covid Risk but as a routine test. This was announced by the Local Sanitary Authority of Northwest Tuscany.
An elementary school teacher tested positive for the Coronavirus swab and nine other colleagues are in preventive quarantine until September 30. It happened in Chianciano Terme (in the province of Siena) where Mayor Andrea Marchetti, in agreement with the director and the ASL, ordered the closure of the school due to a lack of teaching staff. The teacher, paucisymptomatic, had never entered the school after it reopened and never had contact with the children waiting for the result of the swab. Distance learning was organized for the students.
In Piedmont, 5 students and school operators tested positive after the “test result at the ‘school access points’ established by the Region for immediate diagnosis of Coronavirus. So far, 212 students and school personnel have requested the test. Region – includes both shortcuts requested during school hours and scheduled, which took the opportunity to shorten test time. Access to hotspots involved 200 students and 12 school operators.
Emilia romagna
Some students from two classes at a Rimini secondary school were placed in home isolation because, according to epidemiological investigations, they had close contact with a child from another institution who tested positive for coronavirus before returning to school. The quarantined students received the communication from the Public Hygiene Service the weekend before the start of classes and, as Ausl Romagna explains, they never showed up to class. Currently, therefore, there is no case of positivity among high school students. In Ferrara, a kindergarten educator tested positive. The protocol foreseen in these cases was applied: for 14 children and two other members of the educational staff, home isolation was started while waiting to be subjected to swabbing.
From the Vast Area 5, which is the health district of the province of Ascoli Piceno, they announced that “a student from Ascoli, from the ISS Fermi Sacconi Ceci tested positive for hyssop after suffering symptoms attributable to the virus.” the mandatory notepad for classmates and teachers who shared the classroom with the young person in the first two days at home, including containment measures, and the traceability of the contacts made by the student.
Yesterday, three days after the reopening of schools, a first student positive for the coronavirus was registered in Lazio. It happened in a school in Monterotondo, on the outskirts of Rome. The mayor, Riccardo Varrone, announced the young man’s positivity. The positivity cannot currently be attributed in any way to a contagion that occurred within the school.
A teacher at the “Primavera” nursery school in Erice Casa Santa, in the province of Trapani, tested positive for coronavirus after undergoing a swab. The school has closed and the children who attend it have been quarantined pending tests. A case of positivity also in an institution like Petrosino, near Marsala, which for the moment is closing its doors.
A professor of positive recovery courses from coronavirus and a score of students quarantined, waiting for a swab. It happened at the Viale Sardegna secondary school in Terralba, a town of just over ten thousand inhabitants in the province of Oristano. The school complex was sanitized yesterday morning and is open. The alarm went off two days ago when the director was contacted by ATS that he was rebuilding the chain of contacts of a teacher from the ‘Iscola’ project funded by the Region, who tested positive for Covid-19, but asymptomatic.
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