“The fever is still measured in the school”, the TAR postpones the decision on the request for suspension from the government


Schools will continue to measure student fever in Piedmont. Everything remains as is, at least until October 14. The government’s request for precautionary suspension that had challenged the decree issued by Governor Alberto Cirio, assisted by Vittorio Barosio along with the Region’s lawyers, was rejected. “Considering that the contested regional provision integrates and does not subvert the content of state discipline – writes the president of Tar Vincenzo Salamone and that – the risk to the health of the Piedmont region, all the more in light of the fact that the opening of schools would have determined a logical increase in the risk of contagion, however it was such that it justified the adoption of the extraordinary measures of the case “, the TAR decided to leave the autonomic decree in force until the case is discussed in the council room, before the college of judges, on October 14.

“In the absence of damage to the State denounced in the appeal, the suspension of the impugned decree would lead to a reduction in the level of protection against contagion in Piedmont schools, (as documented by the documents produced by the Region and not on time by the plaintiff public) since without the regional measures referred to in the contested decree, only the state regulation would remain with its invitation to “involve” families in controlling the temperature of children, not assisted by any specific verification mechanism (which is provided for by the contested regional decree) and the schools would not be obliged to verify that the students present in the institutes are not really carriers of symptoms with serious risks of spreading the infection “, reads the motivation for the decision.

This is a first partial victory for the Region: the ordinance is not suspended and the merits will be discussed on October 14 before the panel of judges.
