
A pyrotechnic interview, the one given by Flavio briatore Alabama Corriere della Sera. Mister Billionaire once again defends himself against the accusations of those who pointed the finger at his words about the coronavirus, the same Covid-19 that he later took and defeated. Speaks of “attack on Sardinia and right-wing discos”, defends once again Alberto Zangrillo. So, the responses to those who insulted him. For example a Claudio Mazzanti, Bolognese Councilor of the Democratic Party who after the news of Briatore’s positivity to the coronavirus had spoken of “divine justice.” “The poor don’t even have to answer, I don’t wish my worst enemy illnesses Is someone in trouble allowed to enrage? I see envy, resentment and people who will not go far to govern ”, he cuts short. Vincenzo De Luca, the Governor of Campania, who said he “has prostatitis in the lungs”. “He has prostatitis higher than in the lungs: 50 centimeters higher,” Briatore responds. Technical Ko for Vincenzo De Luca.
