“I got away with it, also because, after receiving a blow to the face, I ended up unconscious on the ground.” It starts like this, in “Tomorrow five“, The story of Vittorio Cingano, the 73 year old beaten on the street in Vicenza give one 25-year-old Italian of Hungarian origin – homeless and already known to the police – for defending a girl, who had been attacked by the young man. Cingano is hospitalized with a 35-day prognosis: he has a broken femur and possible head injuries. “I’m relatively well, if we consider what happened,” says the old man a Francesco Vecchi.
“If I see a girl hitting, I can’t pretend I don’t see. You obviously have to intervene. It is instinctive for me to intervene, and I think for others of my generation as well, ”continues Cingano. “What did your daughter say?” Asks the host. “She said, ‘I’m proud of my dad,’” replies the oldest. The attacker was arrested thanks to a video taken from a balcony by a woman. Has been identified by the police because, shortly before Cingano’s beating, he had become the protagonist of an episode similar to the damage of an off-duty carabiniere.