
The data regarding the substitutes of the course that has just started are fully in line with those of a year ago. In fact, there is no boom.
This was announced by the Ministry of Education, specifying that in particular, the fixed-term positions, according to the survey carried out today by the Ministry, are, this year, just over 130 thousand.
To cover them, to date, they have already been done more than 110 thousand assignments, thanks to the work of local areas and educational institutions, concentrated especially in the Regions that have already decomposed.
In detail: they are 66,654 the positions that are currently available after the permanent recruitment phase. These are places that were budgeted, given the progressive exhaustion of the rankings of previous competitions and those that are exhausted, and that are intended to be covered by the bankruptcy procedures that have already been prohibited, despite the emergency period of Covid-19.
The places advertised with the competitions are 78 thousand. Testing will begin in October.
In particular, analyzing the data, I 66,654 places they are true substitutes: in the absence of the teacher, they are replaced by a substitute teacher. With fixed-term contracts, the 14,142 places of the so-called de facto staff, which is activated every year more in response to the needs of the territories (for example, for the division of classes necessary when, for various reasons, the number of students increases).
Then there is 51,351 support waivers. Here, more places are also granted each year (by way of exception, in fact) to meet the needs of students with disabilities.
This year too, the Ministry concludes, the personnel for the emergency, which must be considered separately as it is extraordinary and linked to an exceptional period. These are additional places, always of a fixed duration, never activated in the past, which show an increase in the workforce available for schools and job opportunities for teachers.
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