Substitutes for GaE and GPS: because colleagues with lower scores than mine are named. The reservation of places


Substitute assignment for the 2020/21 school year is ongoing. Even in regions where there is a clear delay in the publication of appointments, compliance is expected to be completed by the end of September – beginning of October.

Meanwhile, in many provinces the “substitute system” has started, with many problems derived mainly from the health emergency that in some cases makes it impossible to meet in person and the lack of many explanations at the central administration level.

Some teachers ask us

I would like, if possible, a clarification on the allocation of a seat in the common place of Children and Primary. I noticed that in that ranking there is a place assigned to a GPS in the second Band with only 8 points in the ranking and it is the only one in the list of the GPS 2 band, the others are all GAE op. GPS band 1.

“I am a precarious kindergarten teacher and seeing the TD hiring of GPS this past Saturday September 12, I was disappointed and outraged when I saw people with Punctuation much less than my assignment to schools of my own preference.
In such a situation, I wonder how recruitment is carried out, but even more, what is the purpose of Punctuation if this is not taken into account at the time of selection! ”

Notwithstanding that the scores are valid (and how if they are valid), although we cannot more accurately investigate the reports received, for which we refer to the local unionists who monitor the allocation of substitutes and speak with the school office , here we can provide a general explanation that some teachers may have overlooked.

Substitutes: hiring of personnel with the right to reserve places

Teaching and teaching staff registered in the GaE and GPS beneficiaries of law 68/99 have the right to reserve places.

For alternates, the instructions to follow for the calculation are those given in Annex A, operating instructions to enter the role.

The School Office, through the corresponding forms (some publish them, others do not) verify that after entering the 2020/21 roll, the expected rates are not saturated.

(Invalid: 7%; Orphans and related categories – surviving spouse who died due to work or aggravation of illnesses that gave rise to income from work accidents, victims of terrorism and organized crime, article 1, paragraph 2 of law n. 407/98: 1%).

The verification should be done separately by type of staff and, for high school, by competition classes.

Therefore, the places to be assigned to reservists are calculated, which will be made only in full-time places, taking into account that said candidates (disabled, orphans and related categories) must be assigned up to a maximum of 50% of the places available.

In the presence of a single position, the appointment of the reservist is not carried out.

In the case of odd places, the remaining unit must be attributed to the candidates included in the ranking of non-reservists;

The ranking until exhaustion should be considered as a single ranking in order to cover the places reserved for the beneficiaries of law 68/1999.

aspiring reservists have the right to be nominated for full positions, if available; In the event that only short-term seats remain, the reservationist will be given the segment with the greatest consistency;

The victims of terrorism and organized crime, according to law 407/98, assimilated to orphans, have the right to absolute precedence in choosing the place, limited to the places that will be assigned to reservists.

Additional reserves operating in GAE contracting and provincial classifications

In accordance with art. 18, paragraph 6 of the legislative decree of May 8, 2001, n. 215, modified by art. 11, paragraph 1, letter c) of the legislative decree of July 31, 2003, n. 236 and Legislative Decree 66/2010 art. 678, para. 9, and 1014, 30% of the available places are reserved for volunteers in the Armed Forces on a short or fixed-term stay of five years, discharged without demerit even at the end or during any rehiring, to additional officials by two-year term and fixed-term officials who have fulfilled the contract without demerit. In accordance with article 678, – paragraph 9 – and art. 1014, paragraph 4, of Legislative Decree 66/2010, the reserve for volunteers of the Armed Forces applies to the displacement of the classification. [da Ufficio Scolastico Venezia]
