“Even young people among the guests”


In July there was only one guest. To such an extent that we can think of a return to normality. “But instead it was a great illusion.” With the summer there was a general “relaxation”, with the consequent increase in covid-19 infections. And with holidays and nightlife, the average age of those who contracted the virus, mainly asymptomatic, also fell. An aspect also observed by Daniele Casadio, owner of the Hotel Paradise Airport, a few steps from the “Luigi Ridolfi” airport in Forlì, which since the outbreak of the pandemic has been transformed into a “covid-hotel”.

The structure, with forty rooms, is suitable for this type of need: all accesses are from the outside and there are no common areas such as elevators or corridors. “There is a drastic increase and there are no more rooms available – says Casadio -. The explosion occurred about two weeks ago, with guests also several children connected to the outbreak of the Cervia nightclub, although in August there were between 25 and 30 people inside the structure. Comforting signs of slowdown, aside from July, we haven’t had any. Now there are more than 45 guests, including a baby of a few months with her father, because in the structure there are also double rooms. There are still young people in the rooms, but the average age has risen again. “

Not everyone present is positive for covid. Casadio explains: “There are also guests in preventive quarantine after having been in contact with the infected. There are also several caregivers, who have recently returned from abroad and who have been placed in isolation in accordance with the anti-covid provisions. The prevalence is of people of foreign nationality and we reason with the Ausl on how to manage them when they do not respect the measures they must comply with. ”The lives of people in quarantine pass inside their rooms, equipped with air conditioning (a true panacea in these days of anomalous heat), between the television and the mobile phone, all waiting for the answer of the tampon, “the real fixed thought”, Casadio emphasizes.

Swabs are performed daily by the Ausl Romagna staff at the entrance of each room. The isolation of those who have contracted the coronavirus can last a week, in addition to months. It says: “There is a guest who left the premises last week after 68 days. He was asymptomatic but kept testing positive. Then finally the day of the double negative tampon came and he received the news with shouts of joy and deliverance. “For a few months, Casadio also has the collaboration of his daughter as a kitchen assistant:” She comes from the hotel institute and I hired her as an employee. He wanted to give us a hand, a choice of responsibility. “

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