Rome, September 16, 2020 – Less taxes on the middle classes and in families, aim for growth doubling at a level in line with the EU average of 1.6%, with more jobs and more investments. These are some of the objectives included in the 38 pages of guidelines about him Recovery Fund that the Government sent to the Chambers, saying that it was willing to report on them. You are the missions: from equity to green, but also to digitization, education, health, infrastructure. Authorization to finance projects based on the impact on GDP and costs. And then check the highway concessions.
Von der Leyen: “Minimum wage for all. With Conte, summit on health in Italy”
The government’s goals
Fold the Growth rate of the Italian economy, going from the average of + 0.8% of the last decade to a level in line with the European average of 1.6%; increase investments to 3% of GDP, achieve an increase in employment rate by 10 percentage points, going from the current 63% in Italy to 73.2% of the current EU average; bring the research and development spending 2.1% compared to 1.3% today. These are some of the “quantitative objectives” and “challenges” that the government intends to achieve with the plan’s proposals. Next Generation I, provided with the so-called Recovery Fund.
First Giuseppe Conte explains: “The document defines in a preliminary and concise way the long-term strategic objectives, the thematic areas of intervention and the actions on which the Plan that Italy must present to the European Union in the coming months, once the process of approval of the regulations for the development of the European Recovery Plan “.
The plan in letters
The “completion of the national network of fiber optic telecommunications“, interventions” for the development of 5Gbut also the creation of the datacenter and the cloud and the arrival of the ‘Unique Digital Identity for citizens and companies’. These are some of the chapters envisaged by one of the six ‘missions’, the one relating to ‘digitization, innovation and competitiveness of the productive system’ – indicated in the guidelines of the Recovery Plan that the government sent to Parliament.
Green revolution
Infrastructure for a gradual decarbonization in transportation, urban forestry plans and even reforestation to limit the hydrogeological risks; investments in the circular economy from waste and renewable sources; integrated management of the water cycle; advantageous taxation for sustainable companies; support for the ecological transition for agriculture, industry and the steel industry (Taranto). These are some of the capitals contemplated by the mission “green revolution and ecological transition” that the government has included among the guidelines of the Recovery Plan, foreseeing investments destined to achieve the objectives of the European Green Pact.
Minimum salary
The minimum wage also falls within the guidelines of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan sent by the government to Parliament. “The introduction of the legal minimum wage – reads the document – will guarantee the workers in sectors with a low unionization rate a income level tied to a minimum standard dignified, avoiding contractual dumping and strengthening negotiation in the sectors where it is weakest ”. The protection of the most vulnerable workers will also be achieved by strengthening national collective bargaining and union representation in the workplace.
School, wiring and more daycare
the fiber optic cabling School and university infrastructures will also be rehabilitated in terms of energy efficiency and anti-seismic. But also the arrival of infrastructures for e-learning and the reinforcement of kindergartens and nurseries between zero and six years old. These are some of the thematic areas contemplated by the mission “Education, Training, Research and Culture” of the guidelines of the Recovery Plan. Among the ‘capitolì’ also the strengthening of research, recycling and teacher training, the digitization of learning processes and tools. It also points to new digital tools for the protection of cultural heritage.
Social equality
Social, gender and territorial equity. This is one of the six missions indicated in the PNRR guidelines sent by the government to Parliament. To achieve the objective, the indicated areas of intervention range from job creation and income protection to the strengthening of active policies also in favor of youth employment, from the fight against undeclared work to “female empowerment” with courses training, employability and self-employment for women and with the aim of reducing the gender pay gap. Central the Family act “Connected to Irpef reform“and the implementation of the South Plan 2030.
Four reforms – Taxation, AP, Justice, Labor – and commitment to public investment and research and development: these are the six ‘support’ policies for the Recovery Plan that the government indicates in the guidelines sent to Parliament. In addition to greater efficiency and equity of the tax authorities, we want to reduce the complexity and slowness of justice that “undermines the competitiveness of companies and the propensity to invest in the country. “The labor market seeks more protections for vulnerable workers, through fiscal incentives for contractual welfare and guarantees of “living wages.” For investments “it is necessary to strengthen and simplify the management processes for monitoring the financial, physical and procedural execution of public investments.”
Improve the hotel quality of hospitals, including beds in intensive care, invest in the digitization of medical care, promote the dissemination of electronic medical records and telemedicine, strengthen the proximity of the structures of the National Health Service, support Medical Investigation, immunological and pharmaceutical. These are some of the objectives of the health mission outlined in the guidelines on PRN sent by the government to Parliament. “A specific investment will be launched quickly – she says – in chronicity and home care to overcome the current deficiencies of the Rsa system”.
Completion of TEN-T rail corridors, high speed for passengers and freight, development of network of roads, highways, bridges, viaducts and ports, smart districts and public and private mobility with sustainable environmental impact. These are some of the objectives indicated in the Infrastructure for Mobility mission contained in the guidelines on the PRN that the government sent to Parliament. The government aims to reduce gap between the Center-North and the South.
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