Modena, September 17, 2020 – They were traveling on the road to the nearby Modena Nord tollbooth, when the Fiesta they were traveling on collided head-on against a truck. When help arrived for Sebastiano Cava, 43, a postal warehouse worker and a big fan of Bologna, unfortunately there was nothing else to do. The conditions of the donna who was traveling with the 48-year-old victim, revived by the 118 health workers who immediately arrived at the scene. The dramatic accident occurred shortly after 6 in the morning yesterday in Via Virgilio, in Modena, at the height of a curve.
LEE ALSO Dies at 43 in the accident
The dynamics are still being examined by the local police but, according to the first reports, one of the two vehicles involved would have invaded the opposite lane. Hence the violent clash between the Fiesta, disappeared completely destroyed, and the Scania heavy vehicle from a Rimini company. Rescuers arrived at the scene, warned by passing motorists: the firefighters who pulled men and women from the metal sheets and the 118 health workers who tried to revive the 43-year-old man; but Sebastiano Cava died practically on the spot. The 48-year-old, after being stabilized at the scene, was rushed to Baggiovara in very serious condition.
Now the woman, who has not yet been identified, is hospitalized in intensive care. Unharmed but shocked the driver of the truck, a 41-year-old man who underwent a breathalyzer test, which later came back negative. At the end of the rescue, officers carried out the necessary checks to track the dynamics of the crash. The vehicles were seized for further technical studies. Due to the severity of the accident, Viale Virgilio remained closed to traffic on the section between Via Orazio and the Marino roundabout, which provides access to the highway section, for five hours. The partial interruption of the highway did not have a special impact on traffic.
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