sent by Adele Falleti – I am a citizen of the Italian State even before being a precarious teacher and I am deeply outraged by the treatment reserved for teachers, by the temporary staffing system (GPS), at such a difficult and delicate time.
Leaving aside the aspects related to the evaluation of degrees, which have suddenly degraded from their initial value, I would like to focus attention on a particular aspect that has left me almost breathless, the impossibility of presenting a complaint to the provincial offices . , in order to avoid errors in the writing of the application and / or in the attribution of points.
The system seems, in this case, suffocating and oppressive, the individual and his voice, the right of reply, have completely disappeared, rather they have been eliminated.
The bureaucracy, like a machine, advances without stopping even in the face of serious errors, behind which, however, there are people and their lives. Because of these mistakes and because of a framework, which wanted to be innovative, many qualified teachers risk not being able to work.
Of course, legal action can be taken: TAR and President of the Republic, but with the long expected times and the necessary disbursements to activate the roads, they seem designed to deter, prevent, and revitalize economic and cultural inequalities. I felt a crack of democracy.
The precarious teachers, those who allow the Italian school system to restart each year, have been mistreated, they are certainly expendable by nature, subordinate to the dictates of the current government.
Our dignity as citizens has been trampled on and this generates more discomfort, in a complex context and time, difficult to live.
A bad page of school legislation with strong repercussions on the lives of precarious teachers, schools and students. Admitting that you have been wrong usually opens the door to change and introduces corrective measures capable of guaranteeing people, and not only systems, that they are really effective only when they are capable of satisfying the needs of the majority of stakeholders present in a context. and not just a few. the usual ones, who think that they can exhibit success in the precarious work situation of people and in the fragility of their families.