
Between the government and the unions, in yesterday’s meeting no figures were formulated on the pension reform but the technicians have been working for months to verify what the measures could be to replace the Quota 100 once the experimentation is completed at the end of 2021. It is excluded that the new rules can start as early as 2021 by abolishing the Quota 100 a year in advance, but what is certain for the government is that the new measures will have to cost less than what the League strongly wishes and be more fair.
Quota 100 until 2021
Pensions, social ape and option for women extended one more year: here are those who can “go” at 58 and with 35 contributions
Ape Sociale and Option Woman, the extension arrives. The government-union game on reforming the social security system begins today with two balls already practically in the hole. The executive, who still does not know the exact amount of financial coverage necessary to carry out the multiple dossiers on the table, has already decided that he will continue for another year with two instruments that expire at the end of 2020.
Quota 100 (possibility of retiring at least 62 years and at least 38 contributions) in fact, as can be seen from the INPS data, has favored men and public workers who have had continuous careers while, for example, it has remained aside woman. In one year, the stoppage of the Quota 100 experimental mechanism promises to produce unpleasant effects (a 5-year ladder) against those who will not be able to retire using this window and instead will have to wait until their 67th birthday. What to do to solve the problem? The government is thinking of several solutions and the preferred one is to allow, as of 2022, those who wish to leave early at 64 years of age with a minimum of 38 years of contributions, accepting a 2.8-3% cut in the rate of quotation. pension for each year it takes to reach 67 years.
That is, the ordinary retirement horizon. This solution could be especially favorable for workers who are more mature and now close to retirement. For them, those born in the late 1960s, a large part of the pension is in fact calculated using a mixed model (with the contribution rate from 1996) or even (for those who already had 18 years of contributions in 1996) with full salary. except for the years after 2012, date of the Fornero reform) And, therefore, the sacrifice, in terms of pension cuts, would be quite limited.
The alternative to the so-called Quota 102 (hypothetical cost: 8,000 million euros) would consist in focusing on flexible, even more advanced and flexible expenses, calculating the provision entirely with the contribution. The State would have higher costs, in the first instance, but later it would save in time because the pensions obtained are linked to the contributions paid and lower than those calculated with a part of the salary. This mechanism, however, could also become a tool to be used alongside the buffers in corporate crisis management in the coming months, especially after the current brake on layoffs is lifted.
The Quota 41 clue is also on the table: the unions believe that those who have reached that level of contribution should be able to retire regardless of age, while currently this option is only possible for precocious workers who at 19 years old had with al less one year of contributions paid. And on this front the government, which did not seem entirely convinced until a few weeks ago, is ready to argue.
Last update: 00:07