In these days of the beginning of the school year in many regions of Italy, it is increasingly evident that many schools have interpreted, even in a decidedly imaginative way, the ministerial and government indications on anti-Covid-19 measures.
Masks also on desks
And so in many institutions, even where the distance meter between the “mouth rhymes” is respected, as required by CTS protocols, a mask is required at the bench.
In the circular issued by a higher institute in the province of Turin, for example, we read that the competent doctor believes that “it is appropriate for students to correctly wear the mask (on the nose and mouth) even when they are sitting in their place during the lessons”. , since the precautionary distance is two meters. “
Cloth masks are fine too
Community masks are also accepted in a comprehensive school in the province of Milan, materials cannot be kept at school and backpacks must be hung from the chair and not left on the floor. Jackets must be placed inside a laundry type bag. The passage of materials between children is prohibited.
App to order a snack
In many institutions they have even equipped themselves with specific applications to order a snack at the bar, which is closed for security reasons and to avoid crowds.
In other institutions, however, it is not possible to use the bar or the vending machines and therefore students have to provide a snack independently.
Always stay to the right in the hallways
For movements in the corridors the schools have provided precise paths. In an Aosta high school it is clearly specified that “when moving around the school it is necessary to always keep to the right”.
Cover yes, cover no
In a lower secondary school in the province of Treviso, families were asked to remove all plastic covers from books because the virus survives for several days in plastic.
In many other schools they ask for plastic covers instead because it is easier to disinfect them.
Clothes that are only worn to school
In a primary school in the province of Verona, pupils have to go to school in clothes that are worn only for school, so at home they have to change and store their clothes in a safe place for “decontamination”.
Folding gym mats
In a 2nd grade secondary school in the province of Livorno, the DVR integration says “to minimize the possible contagions by contact, the normal gymnastics equipment required (sportswear, sneakers) should be added to the personal gymnastic mat ( preferably those that are foldable more easily transportable) “.
No chewing gum under the chairs
Finally, there are those who have also struggled with information that is nothing short of imaginative. “Do not stick gum under the counters to protect the health of ATA personnel,” reads the protocol of an institute in the province of Monza Brianza.
In short, there is something for everyone!