Accident in via dell’Orsa maggiore, collision between two cars: three injured


Violent collision between cars in Falsomiele. Last night, around 9:00 p.m., an accident occurred at the junction between via dell’Orsa maggiore and via del Capricorno. A 45-year-old IM, who was behind the wheel of a finished Mercedes A-Class after crashing into dumpsters and a parked vehicle, took the worst. The man, rescued by 118 troops, was transferred to Buccheri La Ferla and discharged with a prognosis of a few days.

On board the other car, a Fiat Punto, were two men aged 47 and 45 who only suffered a few minor bruises. Municipal police and two fire crews also intervened at the scene. Accident officers conducted road reconnaissance to reconstruct the exact dynamics and determine the responsibilities of the two drivers.

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“We have reported on several occasions – comments Nicolò Romano, president of the Civic Committee – the lack of road signs in the third district and where there are signs there are trees to hide them. The danger is also caused by the lack of lines and road signs. absent or not visible because they are occupied by some obstacle. I hope nothing serious for our brothers in Palermo to whom I wish a speedy recovery ”.
