ITP Supplenze GPS: the secretariats of the schools must verify the title of Diploma of Higher Technician


The Ministry of Education has published a new Note, on 09-11-2020, with the subject: “Clarifications on OM n. 60 on the activities of validation of the provincial rankings of substitutes and the elaboration of the rankings of institutes “.

The provincial territorial areas, the polo schools delegated to the management of the GPS and the first substitute schools, must verify that the Diploma of Higher Technical Institute is among those issued by certain ITS foundations that appear on the INDIRE website.

Control over grades submitted by ITP teachers

GPS access qualification for practical technical teachers

Annexes A / 5 and A / 6 of the values ​​assessment tables attached to Ordinance no. 60/2020 officially published by the Ministry on July 13, 2020, describes what access qualifications aspiring ITP teachers, practical technical teachers, must have to access the provincial rankings of substitutes and school rankings for the 2020/21 biennium and 2021/22.

The ITPs are the Practical Technical Teachers who, with the second grade secondary education diploma, access the competition classes of table B of DPR 19/2016 and Dm 259/2017.

ITP, first level provincial ranking: admission qualifications

• Qualification qualification for the specific class of competence in accordance with current legislation or
• Qualification qualification obtained abroad valid as qualification qualification in the country of origin and recognized as valid in accordance with Legislative Decree November 9, 2007, n. 206, and attributable to the specific skill class (according to the score obtained).

ITP, second band in the provincial ranking: admission qualifications

• Educational qualification and any additional qualifications required by current legislation for the specific class of competence or
• Degree obtained abroad recognized as equivalent based on current legislation,

plus one of the following requirements:
24 CFU / CFA acquired in a curricular, additional or extracurricular form in anthropo-psychopedagogical disciplines and in teaching methodologies and technologies;
specific qualification in another kind of competition or for another degree;
previous entry in the third group of the school classification for the specific proficiency class [per precedente inserimento il Ministero intende triennio  2017/20]

Recommendation of the Ministry: The Diploma of Higher Technical Institute should not be confused with the Diploma of Higher Secondary Education

In the Note dated 09-11-2020, the Ministry addresses the school secretariats

“It is recommended, as a priority, verification of admission title. The educational institution will be in charge of deepening and immediately verifying the correspondence of the declared qualification with the provisions of point A of the tables attached to OM 60/2020 in relation to the different rankings and with the current regulations of the competition classes.
In particular, for the first bands, it will also be verified that the applicants have entered the title of
Qualification or qualification of specialization on the support required by current legislation.
For brackets II, the correctness of the grade and its integrity must be additionally verified, with reference to the cases of achievement of the educational credits provided for the relative competence class and the
qualifications referred to in article 5, paragraph 1, letter b), of Legislative Decree 59/17. Maximum attention is recommended
in relation to the rankings of the II support squad, for which the access requirement is to have performed at least three years of service on the support in the specific grade: the lack of this requirement determines the drop in the relative ranking. In the case of invalid entries, the DS does not sign the contract or resolve it immediately inform the local area to monitor the competition.

And specifically

ITS Diploma and High School Diploma

“Regarding the title of Higher Technical Institute, you must verify the possession of the title issued by one of the Institutes present in the link:

ITS – Istituti Tecnici Superiori

This verification was also indicated in the evaluation phase, however what is declared by the applicants requires precise control, to avoid, for example, the evaluation of the upper secondary education diploma ”.

In summary

The Diploma of Higher Secondary Education (combined with 24 CFU) constitutes access to the specific proficiency class, II ITP BAND; 12 points plus 0.50 points are awarded for each grade equal to or greater than 77/110 and 4 more points if the title was obtained with honors.

The Diploma of the Higher Technical Institute is another “qualification”. Each title is worth 1.5 points.

The list of ITS by region and technological area

Other indications for school secretaries

Entry qualification verification: any additional exams for proficiency class and 24 CFU

When evaluating the degree

Art evaluation. 15 paragraph 4

GPS Licei Musicali: the service is required to access the first and second band
