Don Roberto Malgesini murdered in Como, ordered an autopsy: “Witness of charity”


Como, September 6, 2020 – Expected in the next few hours the autopsy of Don Roberto Malgesini, he 51-year-old priest killed in Como of a tramp. An investigation ordered by the Como prosecutor Nicola Piacente and the prosecutor Massimo Astori in an already very clear evidentiary framework, in light of the confession and all the elements that converge in one direction. A mandatory passage also for the last goodbye to the priest loved by the poor of the city that could be celebrated in the Duomo or, someone raised the hypothesis yesterday, in the stadium.


During the questioning yesterday, Ridha Mahmoudi he ‘justified’ his gesture with the fear of returning to their country of origin taking into account the provision of expulsion that has been pending against him since April. In his unclear words spoken in front of investigators, the priest who fed him for breakfast and who had also provided him with a lawyer to defend himself in his trials. it would not help him avoid a possible return to Tunisia. Mahmoudi will be interrogated again tomorrow in prison by the investigating judge to validate the arrest.

The hypothesis of the psychiatric report

The lawyer for the 53-year-old Tunisian is evaluate the request for a psychiatric report of your client. “We will evaluate this aspect – explains the lawyer Davide Giudici- it is probable. Tomorrow morning at 9.30 am the validation will be carried out and then we will make an evaluation based on the validation and if necessary I will present applications to the judges.” Pending questioning before the examining magistrate, Mahmoudi is currently in solitary confinement in Bassone Prison. An isolation, underlines the lawyer of the 53-year-old man, “linked to the Covid emergency. All people who enter prison are now subjected” to this treatment, specifies the lawyer.

The pain of Pope Francis

One silent prayer for Don Roberto Malgesini. ME’ the invitation of Pope Francis at the end of the general audience in which the “martyrdom of this testimony of charity towards the poorest” was highlighted. “I would like to remember at this moment Fr. Roberto Malgesini, a priest of the Diocese of Como who was assassinated yesterday morning by a needy person whom he helped himself. A person with a headache.” “I join in the pain and prayers of his family and the Como community. And, he continued, as his bishop said: I praise God for the testimony, which is for the martyrdom ofI am witness of charity towards the poorest. Let us pray in silence for Fr. Roberto Malgesini and for all the priests, religious, and laity who work with the needy and those outcast from society ”.

Messages and flowers for Don Roberto

In front of the church of San Rocco, where the priest was assassinated yesterday morning, messages, flowers and photos appeared. From the simple “We love you” to the request for help “to ask the Lord why he allows something like this to happen” to the gratitude in different languages, that of the many people he has helped throughout his life. “There are no goodbyes for us, wherever you are, you are in my heart,” reads another message. (PHOTO)

The pain of Muslims

too Muslims in Italy express pain for the death of Don Roberto Malgenisini. “The sad news of the murder of Don Roberto Malgesini reaches us,
parish priest of Como, known as the parish priest of the latter, killed by the hand of a homeless man who suffered from serious psychological problems that the same Don was attending “, says a note reported by the lord of the president of the Union of Islamic Communities in Italy (Ucoii) Yassine Lafram, “We express our deepest condolences to his loved ones, to the entire Como community and to Christian friends committed to others, on a journey of peace and brotherhood.”

The memory of the Caritas of Pavia

“The Diocesan Caritas of Pavia – read the note released this morning – with all its operators, volunteers and guests welcomed by the structures and services, it expresses its condolences for Don Roberto. We join in prayer with the members of his family, the Diocese and in particular Caritas de Como with whom we have shared many moments of our journey in the Caritas Lombardy Delegation. It is true that these facts should make us reflect on the serious situation in which many people find themselves and how an increasingly evil and aggressive misery is marking the lives of many brothers and sisters, We ask everyone ‘not to make the Cross of Christ in vain’, ‘overcoming evil with good’, and committing ourselves to discern this difficult and complex moment ”.
