
Increasingly central in the life of government, Goffredo Bettini granted another interview, this time for Daily occurrence, speaking of “clumsy powers” that seek to weaken the government of Giuseppe Conte to “normalize the country”. The mind will also Elkann me By Benedetti, editors who would have an interest in weakening the prime minister in the media. Dagospia Try to think of the words for the strategy Gypsies, which according to various origins would strive to strengthen the majority with a single purpose: to bring someone from the Pd to the Quirinale (Walter Veltroni?).

The truth explains Dagospia, is that “the Pd is divided“and that a beautiful one is upon us remodeling after the elections. The vote in the regional will be the noose around the neck of Secretary Zingaretti, to whom many in the party blame the supine election of a very weak Renzian candidate as Giani, which could lead to a historic defeat in Tuscanyas well as the seams on Michele Emiliano in Puglia, hated by the grillini, instead of choosing Francesco Boccia. “Gives Franceschini a Orlando, from the former Renzi to those of LeU – concludes There is -, all agree that Zinga is the victim of Goffredo Bettini, the ideologue that everyone loves to detest. Disgusted by everyone too thanks to his daily interviews. “Exactly.