
Luigi venanzetti
Luigi Venenzetti, 73, from Treia, died after fighting a tumor. During the funeral, the relatives raised funds for the Lilt of Macerata, which he thanks them today. “We sincerely thank the Venanzetti family – writes President Francesco Aureli – for the donation of 319.50 euros paid to support the tireless activity carried out by the Association in the field of cancer prevention. The sum is the result of the fundraising carried out on the occasion of the funeral of Luigi Venanzetti, a humble man, a good father of the family, a tireless worker in constant social work, who died prematurely in the affection of his loved ones on 11 September at the age of 73. years. In sad times like the ones we live in, the gesture of a healthy family from the Marche region should be highly praised for altruism and high civic awareness from which an example should be taken. Around his wife María, his children Andrea and Paolo, his daughter-in-law Doriana and Federica, his brother Lauro, his nephews Emma and Samuele and their families, all the members and volunteers of our Association embrace each other affectionately in an embrace of fraternal condolences ” .