From the minimum wage to the IRPEF reform, which will be in the Recovery Plan


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Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte during the press conference on anti-Covid measures for the reopening of the 2020-2021 school year. Palazzo Chigi. Rome (Italy), September 9, 2020 (Photo by Massimo Di Vita / Massimo Di Vita Archive / Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images)

The next step will consist of a comprehensive reform of direct and indirect taxation, aimed at designing a fair, simple and transparent tax for citizens, which in particular reduces the tax burden on the middle classes and families with children and accelerates the transition of the system. economic. towards greater environmental sustainability. “It is one of the passages of the guidelines of the ‘Recovery Plan’ sent by the government to the Chambers.” The alleviation of the fiscal burden together with a fiscal system favorable to growth continues to be one of the components most important of the Government program “, it stands out, recalling that the” Recommendations of the European Commission call Italy for a fiscal review to transfer the tax burden of work to other areas and in general “from people to things. In addition to the IRPEF reform, reference is made to the ‘Family Law’: “The Government has approved a bill that delegates to the Government to adopt measures to support and improve the family.”

In particular – it is explained – in the exercise of the powers provided by the Family Law, the Government must comply with the following guiding principles and criteria: ensure the universal application of economic benefits according to progressive criteria (based on the ISEE) , also taking into account the number of dependent daughters or sons; promote gender equality in families, favoring female employment, especially in the Southern Regions; affirm the social value of educational and learning activities, including non-formal ones, of children, by recognizing tax exemptions, exemptions, deductions from the tax base or deductions from income tax of expenses incurred by families or through the provision of a credit or a fixed amount of money; foresee the implementation of organizational, communication and simplification measures that favor the access of families to the services offered and their identification “.

And again: “The Government intends to support the working mother and the working father with flexible methods of employment, so that the return to work is not only temporary. Therefore, it is essential that financial aid be accompanied, in an integrated and complementary way, by adequate services that partially relieve the mother and father of the burdens associated with caring for children and at the same time allow both to develop professionally ” .

Among the ‘missions’ they also indicated “the introduction of the legal minimum wage” that “will guarantee workers in sectors with a low unionization rate a level of income linked to a decent minimum standard, avoiding contractual dumping and strengthening bargaining in the sectors “. where it is weaker ”.

More generally, there is talk of labor reform: “Even in the field of labor policies, the government – it is emphasized – intends to adopt reforms and interventions to accompany the relaunch strategy. In addition to reducing the cost of labor through the reduction of the tax wedge, efforts will be made to encourage labor productivity by strengthening tax incentives for contractual welfare and promoting decentralized negotiation in a multilevel labor relations system. . At the same time, job quality, income and job stability will be protected. The protection of the income of the most vulnerable workers will be achieved through the strengthening of national collective bargaining and the rules of union representation in the workplace ”.

Regarding the health chapter, “the objective is to improve the quality of hospitality in hospitals, including intensive care beds, invest in the digitization of medical care, promote the dissemination of electronic medical records and telemedicine, strengthen the proximity of Ssn, to support medical, immunological and pharmaceutical research “.

The executive also points to the “completion of the national fiber optic telecommunications network”, with interventions “for the development of 5G”, to the completion of the TEN-T rail corridors, at high speed for passengers and freight, to the development of the network. roads, highways, bridges, viaducts and ports, smart districts and public and private mobility with sustainable environmental impact.
Other planned interventions: infrastructures for a progressive decarbonisation of transport, urban afforestation plans and also reforestation to limit hydrogeological risks; investments in the circular economy from waste and renewable sources; integrated management of the water cycle; advantageous taxation for sustainable companies.

Finally, the issue of justice: “The Relaunch Plan pursues the objective of creating a more modern and attractive legal system through three main instruments: reducing the duration of civil and criminal proceedings; updating the civil code; the reform of commercial law to align corporate governance with EU norms “.” The reform of civil and criminal justice represents – it is pointed out – a priority and is one of the recommendations that most often is directed to our country international ”.
