New cases of coronavirus in Italy are on the rise: 1,452 infections have been registered in the last 24 hours (yesterday there were 1,229), for a total of 291,442 since the start of the pandemic. The number of victims is also increasing: today there were 12, against 9 on Tuesday. The total number of deaths thus amounts to 35,645.
The number of doctors killed by Covid-19 amounts to 177. This was announced by the National Federation of Medical Orders (Fnomceo). Urologist Paolo Marandola, active in Zambia to study Covid-19, joins the list of doctors who died from the epidemic published on the Fnomceo portal. Fnomceo updates the list of doctors who have lost their lives for the epidemic, including working doctors, retirees and retirees called to the emergency service.
All charts and maps about the epidemic.
South tyrol
In the last 24 hours, laboratories of the South Tyrol health authority made 1,277 swabs. 15 new positive cases were registered. Therefore, the number of people positive for the coronavirus rises to 3,168. There are 15 Covid-19 patients hospitalized in normal hospital wards and 38 in isolation at the Colle Isarco facility, while two patients are hospitalized in intensive care units. The number of deaths remained stable at 292. Currently there are 1,539 people in home isolation, of which 74 have returned from Croatia, Greece, Spain or Malta. 3,460 people have been healed.
There are 159 new cases of contagion registered in Veneto in the last 24 hours, for a total number of 25,138 infected since the beginning of the epidemic. The number of victims is also increasing, now numbering 2,151, 5 more than yesterday. This was announced by the regional bulletin. Currently the positive subjects are 2,990 (+6) and 7,611 people (+ 425) are in fiduciary isolation.
According to the bulletin released by the Region, there are 73 new cases registered in Liguria, in the last 24 hours 3,335 swabs were made, 273,210 since the beginning of the emergency. Hospital admissions are on the rise: 149, 9 more than yesterday. Of these, 13 are in intensive care. Most of the hospitalizations, 83, are in La Spezia. In the last 24 there was also a new death: the victims since the beginning of the emergency are, therefore, 1,583.
Still 90 new cases in Tuscany (average age 38 years, 71% asymptomatic, 43% linked to a previous case) in the last 24 hours, but without deaths and 29 cures (of which 28 in total, patients who were negative to the swab double control). Thus, in the daily report from Tuscany, a region where cases of positivity to the coronavirus amount to 13,304, those cured reach a total of 9,565 (202 clinically recovered and 9,363 recovered ‘viral’) while deaths remain unchanged at 1,151. The current positives are 2,588 today (+ 2.4% yesterday) of which 108 hospitalized (-2 yesterday and 20 in intensive care) and 2,480 in home isolation with mild or asymptomatic symptoms (+ 2.6% yesterday). There are 4,305 (+138 to yesterday equal to + 3.3%) negative but isolated people in active surveillance because they have had contact with infected people (Asl Centro 1,624, Northwest 1,835, Southeast 846). The swabs performed reached 644,645, 6,574 more than yesterday.
Hospitalized patients with positive coronavirus in Umbrian hospitals go from 29 to 32, but those in intensive care decrease from six to five. The Region update reports 17 new Covid positives emerged in the last day, 2,117 and eight recovered, 1,563, bringing the current positives to 473 (in fact, 81 have died). On the last day, 1,868 swabs were made, 181,097 since the beginning of the pandemic.
Gores reports that 1,346 swabs have been tested in the last 24 hours: 755 on the new diagnostic pathway and 591 on the cured pathway. The positives are 38: these cases include two returns from abroad (Ukraine and the USA), eight close contacts of positive cases, six symptomatic subjects, eight domestic contacts, three cases detected by the screening carried out in the health path, two contacts in the care / residential field, return from Sardinia and eight cases under investigation.
“Today in Lazio there are 165 cases of these 86 are in Rome and zero deaths. The experimentation on two Rome-Milan ‘COVID Free’ flights, a joint initiative between AdR, Alitalia and the Region, began today at the Fiumicino Lazio airport, says the Minister of Health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato.
There are a total of 4,052 positive Covid 19 cases registered in Abruzzo since the beginning of the emergency. Compared to yesterday, there are 18 new cases (between 15 and 82 years). The death toll of patients remains at 473. The number of positive cases also includes 2,973 discharged / cured (+3 compared to yesterday, of which 18 symptomatic with clinical manifestations associated with Covid 19 became asymptomatic and 2,955 that is, it resolved the symptoms of the infection and was negative in two consecutive tests). The positives currently in Abruzzo (calculated by subtracting the number of discharged / recovered and deceased from the total positives) are 606 (+15 compared to yesterday).
186 new cases emerged in the last 24 hours in Campania from the analysis of 6,072 swabs. The total of positives since the beginning of the Covid-19 emergency is 9,537, while the total of swabs analyzed is 511,535. There are no new deaths: the total number of deaths is still 452. There are 69 recently recovered: the total recovered is 4,888, of which 4,884 fully recovered and 4 clinically recovered.
Of 4,571 swabs for Covid-19 infection, 103 positive cases have been registered today in Puglia: 51 in the province of Bari, 4 in the province of Brindisi; 11 in the Bat, 22 in the province of Foggia, 9 in the province of Lecce, 4 in the province of Taranto, 2 outside the region. One death was registered in the province of Bari, the total number of victims is 574. Since the beginning of the emergency, 360,787 tests have been carried out; 4,252 patients recovered; Currently, 1,863 cases are positive, of which 218 are hospitalized. The total of positive cases of Covid in Puglia is 6,689.
New wave of positives in Calabria in the last 24 hours. There are 19 more cases found that bring the total since the start of the pandemic to 1,741 compared to 176,447 swabs of which 174,706 were negative.
Five new positive cases in Basilicata where 533 swabs were tested yesterday to search for Covid-19 contagion. The regional working group makes it known. The positivity refers to 3 people diagnosed in Basilicata, but who reside and are isolated in Puglia, a person who resides in Pisticci (Matera) and a person of foreign nationality in isolation in Potenza. That same day, two cures were recorded in the municipality of Potenza. With this update, there are 87 currently positive Lucans and of these 81 are in home isolation. There are 7 hospitalized in Lucanian hospitals (one of which resides in Puglia).
With 27 new cases, Sardinia is close to 3,000 positives since the start of the health emergency (2,991). According to the latest update of the Regional Crisis Unit, there are 88 hospitalized patients, 17 are in intensive care (-1), 1373 people are in home isolation. The total number of deaths was stable at 140, compared to the last update 1,818 swabs were performed. Of the 2,991 positive cases verified in total, 489 (+1) were detected in the metropolitan city of Cagliari, 297 (+2) in southern Sardinia, 176 (+5) in Oristano, 269 (+7) in Nuoro, 1,760 (+12)) in Sassari.