extortion, false reports, and business with bankrupt companies


This morning, the Latina Mobile Squad, in collaboration with the Mobile Squads of Naples, Lucca and Caserta, and the support of the Anti-Crime Division of the Latino Police Headquarters and the Crime Prevention Department of Rome and Naples, has implemented the custody order. Precautionary measures against 12 people, at the request of the Rome Anti-Mafia District Directorate, of which four are subject to preventive detention in prison; seven subjected to the precautionary measure of house arrest and one to the precautionary measure of the prohibition of residence in the province of Latina, all of them investigated for various causes for tax and fiscal crimes, violations of bankruptcy law, extortion aggravated by the mafia method , fictitious registration of assets, forgery, corruption, money laundering, unauthorized access to a computer system, disclosure of official secrecy, real help and complicity, interruption of auctions, kidnapping and possession and carrying of firearms.
The preventive seizure of 4 companies was also carried out.
The investigations began following a complaint filed in December 2017, in which a man claimed to have found an envelope in front of the front door of his office, addressed to “Mr. Luigi” and containing ammunition and a ticket with the word “bastard you have to pay”. Subsequently, it was revealed that the crime report had been cleverly drawn up by the author, with the alleged complicity of a former police officer.

The elements collected during the investigation, by the policemen of the Mobile Squads of Latina, Naples, Lucca and Caserta, also in light of the statements of some collaborators of the justice, allowed to affirm how some of the suspects simulated extortion against a man , attempting to unfairly blame other people for such conduct; The purpose of the operation was to attribute to Biagio I. and Rocco I. the responsibility not only for the extortion to the detriment of Luigi De Gregoris, but also for having given a mandate to Armando Di Silvio, for the recovery of the 50,000.00 euros paid to Bail in favor of Luigi De Gregoris, for the purchase of the land.

The technical interception activities, therefore, carried out in order to ascertain the identity of the perpetrator of the intimidations apparently carried out against Luigi De Gregoris, allowed knowing in a different way the perpetration of a significant series of economic crimes attributable to the business world. Luciano Iannotta.

In particular, it emerged from the beginning of the technical activity that Luciano Iannotta, real director of many companies fictitiously registered at the first, was behind Luigi De Gregoris and the companies of the same representative.

In fact, it was possible to verify how, on the one hand, the existence of numerous criminal proceedings against Luciano Iannotta evidently determined the same thing to shield his participation in a large number of companies through some trusted men (De Gregoris turned out to be the closest to the businessman ), and on the other hand, how these fictitious participation registration operations were also predestined to carry out the laundering of proceeds from criminal activities.

The acquisition methods of some compendiums of companies, thanks to the complicity of Pio Taiani among others, made it possible to know the facts of fraudulent bankruptcy carried out in order to take over the management of companies in danger near the declaration of bankruptcy, thus subtracting al The creditors of the companies deduct the main assets outside the bankruptcy procedure: this is the case of companies attributable to a group, owned by Franco P.

In the same vein, a series of money laundering operations of funds of criminal origin were registered, attributable to some subjects in Campania, such as Gennaro and Antonio Festa, who through simulated real estate operations and increases of share capital in investee companies, rehired hundreds thousand euros in companies attributable to Luciano Iannotta.

In this context, the figure of Pasquale Pirolo emerged, a subject convicted, among other things, of the crime referred to in 416 bis as contiguous to the Camorra clans, who played an active role in bringing the Festa brothers into contact with Iannotta to allow the Money Laundering Operation by recapitalizing the ITALY Glass company with illicit money. According to the preliminary investigation judge, Pirolo would also have shown ease by intervening before an official of the Rome Tax Agency who remained unidentified, to allow Iannotta to resolve a dispute against the payment of a 25,000 bribe.

The continuation of the investigations revealed at the same time the commission of other crimes against the public administration: Luciano Iannotta, Natan Altomare and Luigi De Gregoris disturbed the tender in public enchantments, in relation to the procedure for the execution of assets owned by an imputable company to an Iannotta nominee.

More unique and significant is the episode in which the Iannotta – Festa group was involved in the apparent corruption of an official of the Lazio Region, thanks to Natan Altomare’s relationship with some businessmen and public officials, aimed at illegal adjudication of an open and prohibited procedure. for the supply of bins for waste collection.

This episode, in light of what has been reconstructed, will turn out to be a scam concocted by strangers who in the event managed to steal the sum of 600,000 euros in cash from Iannotta; In the following days Iannotta undertook a spasmodic search for those responsible for the deception he suffered, together with Natan Altomare, Pio Taiani and other subjects, who located two alleged accomplices who were threatened with firearms, also thanks to the complicity of the son of Iannotta, inside a shed of Akros Holding, a London company run by the latter.

The investigation aimed at revealing the perpetrators of the fraud continued in parallel through the acquisition of information from Marshal Michele Carfora Lettieri (carabiniere at that time in service in the Operational Unit of the Carabinieri Company of Terracina), who carried out abusive verifications in the SDI database in use by law enforcement.

In this context, the figure of the Colonel of the Carabinieri Alessandro Sessa also emerged, to whom Iannotta himself promised to carry out acts contrary to official duties consisting of the dissemination of news and technical information on the activation and alteration of the record of environmental interceptions by part of the Judicial Police, participating in meetings with Carfora Lettieri himself aimed at obtaining information on ongoing criminal proceedings.

A particularly characteristic profile of Luciano Iannotta’s criminal personality was also the one related to his ability to interact with members of the world of organized crime; The last mentioned profile arose in particular thanks to the contribution offered by two judicial collaborators belonging to the DI SILVIO clan, namely Renato Pugliese and Agostino Riccardo, who made it possible to verify the consummation of extortion aggravated by the mafia method to the detriment of a local entrepreneur. , a crime committed precisely in the name of Luciano Iannotta and never reported.

In this circumstance, the collaborators collected the sum of 2,650 euros for their interest, which they collected from Iannotta through Franco Cifra, owner of a commercial activity located in Latina, who on the occasion issued a false invoice.
