The League accelerates and has presented in the Senate, through its group leader, the individual censure motion against the Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina.
After having received the green light from the allies (Brothers of Italy and Forza Italia), the center-right intends to put the executive in difficulties by asking for the mistrust of the current head of the Viale Trastevere dicastery, an exponent of the Five Star Movement.
The motion of no confidence, announced by Matteo Salvini, in the morning, will now be examined by the conference of group leaders, which, however, will not take place soon. The activity of the Parliament is reduced by the regional elections and the constitutional referendum, so that, before Tuesday, September 22, there will be no significant news on the motion.
“No more climbing on mirrors to justify the lack of teachers! There have always been problems but, in the midst of an epidemiological emergency, a historic opportunity to overcome them has been missed. The school restarts without tens of thousands of tenured teachers, fundamental for the quality of the service in particular when it comes to children with disabilities, simply because Minister Azzolina did not want to consider our plan of maxi stabilization of qualifications and service already ready in March. and presented as an amendment to the decree of the School, which would have guaranteed all the necessary teachers at the time “says the director of the Lega school, Mario pittoni.
“A teacher wrote to me that he still doesn’t know if he will work this year. We have been requesting Azzolina since March, we have only received insults of all kinds. There are thousands of disabled children at home waiting for this first day of school as if it were Christmas. For that alone the minister should resign, apologizing to the Italians. So the league leader, Matteo Salvini.
“The disastrous management of the school of Minister Azzolina keeps families, students and staff in tension, a minister who has lost many precious months in charlatanism, without giving any certainty about his fate to 8 million students”, we read in the text that School horizon publish in preview.
“The Government has no alibi and the incapacity of those who represent it now weighs irremediably on the lives and education of our children. We need immediate responses, there is no more time and without a safe restart of the school the whole country will not restart “, the document continues.