“I apologize to everyone, the worst night of my life”


«I want to apologize to everyone to the Cerciello family and friends. To the whole world. That night was the worst of my life And if I could go back to change things, I would do it now, but I can’t. ‘ Said this in the courtroom Finnegan Lee Elder, the American prosecuted along with his friend Christian Natale Hjorth for the murder of the deputy sergeant of the carabinieri, Mario Cerciello Rega, in the course of spontaneous statements.

“I have not spoken before for lack of courage,” said the Californian before the judges of the first criminal court. In jail I had the opportunity and time to reflect. That night was the worst of my life, not because I’m in jail, away from everyone. There are other reasons: I took the life of a person, I took a husband from his wife, I broke a bond between brothers. And I took a son from his mother. I can never forgive myself for all this.

Elder added that “he will never be able to forgive me for this and I don’t expect Cerciello’s family to do it today, it will be difficult, but I hope one day they can.” The young man admitted that “many mistakes were made that night. Mine was the best. I’d like to change things again, but I can’t. All I can say is that I feel remorse. What happened changed me forever and I promise not to make these mistakes again.

Last update: Wednesday, September 16, 2020, 01:09 PM

