“Voluntary murder, sentence the Ciontoli family to 14 years”


Vannini, the prosecutor:

«Condemn the Ciontoli to 14 years in prison for voluntary homicide ”. It is the request of the pg di Rome in the new appeal for the death of Marco Vannini happened in Ladispoli in May 2015. Attorney General Vincenzo Saveriano requested the sentence for his father Antonio Ciontoli, by his wife María Pizzillo and by their children Federica and Martina, Vannini’s last girlfriend. Alternatively, the pg asked Ciontoli’s children and wife to evaluate the hypothesis of anomalous complicity in the murder, based on article 116 of the penal code, and sentenced them to 9 years and 4 months in prison. The bis appeal process had been ordered by the Supreme Court, which had annulled the first second-degree sentence, requesting to recognize the crime of voluntary manslaughter with possible fraud.

Marco Vannini, cleaned the audio of the phone call to 118: “This is what he would have said before he died”

The request came to the end of his indictment during the bis trial in the Rome Court of Appeal for the murder of Marco Vannini, the 21-year-old from Cerveteri who was murdered on the night between 17 and 18 May 2015 by a coup. . of a pistol in the Ciontoli house in Ladispoli that he frequented because he was Martina’s boyfriend.

For the murder of the boy, barely twenty years old, on January 29 of last year the judges of the Court of Appeal of Rome had sentenced the father of his girlfriend Antonio Ciontoli on the charge of involuntary manslaughter to 5 years in prison against the 14 who They had been inflicted on him in the first degree for voluntary homicide, confirming, instead, the sentences of three years for Ciontoli’s two children, Martina and Federico, and for his wife María Pezzillo.

Last update: 11:50

