seven dead and 175 infected


the COVID-19 in the United States it seems unstoppable. At least seven people have died in connection with an outbreak of coronavirus It broke out after a wedding in Maine. This was reported by the Associated Press agency. The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported that more than 175 infections are linked to the party, which took place in August, and six of those who died did not even attend the event. marriage.

Covid, private party with a positive: 100 people subjected to a swab

Coronavirus in Enna, invited to a wedding but has Covid: 90 people in quarantine, fear of Palermo

State authorities, which since March have registered fewer than 5,000 cases of virus, have drawn the line for infections and concluded that the virus has traveled hundreds of miles since reception at the Big Moose Inn in Millinocke.

Last updated: 11:08

