At school six months later. But one in three students still stays home
Here, the gaps in the chair are gradually being filled, retired professors are laboriously replaced, precarious historians have embarked on a territorial struggle to defend their score from the error-ridden substitute rankings. They picket the superintendents, ask for decisions made in the presence, since they do not trust the GPS results. It is no coincidence that several high school starts this year have had a very short schedule from 8 to 11. And it will continue with three hours of lessons in the morning for several weeks, covering the disciplines also with religion teachers. “We have appointed seventy thousand substitutes, by September 24 we will have everyone in the presidency,” he says now Lucia azzolina, which has already brought forward the closing date of the tasks twice: on September 1, the minister said, then on the 14th. Now the minister indicates Thursday, September 24, the date of the final time for everyone. They are missing, however, and the count is this morning, between 140,000 and 190,000 teachers. Let’s see why.
Hired: 20 points less than last year
The first figure that shows the failure of school enrollment policies for 2020-2021 is that of permanent hires. The data is practically still (the only ones, the rest is all an update, cancellation, resumption). This year, of 84,808 government-funded teachers for a professorship, 24,400 finally leveled off: 28.8 percent. Last year, according to Flc Cgil, they were 48 percent: 21,236 contracted out of 53,627 issues. That’s twenty percentage points less. We see that, of the tenured professors, 60,000 are missing.
School, what doesn’t work
The teachers who have obtained retirement since September 1 were 39,000, a figure higher than the forecasts of the Ministry of Education. The so-called precarious Covid workers, hired for a year and fired in the face of a new confinement, have not yet been quantified, but they should be between 50,000 and 60,000. Pino Turi, secretary of the Uil school, checks a final balance: “According to our estimates there will be 260,000 substitutes for the season, this will be the minimum requirement to guarantee school hours”. The CISL in its calculations indicates a minimum number of 212,000 temporary teachers to find, “and this number will only grow throughout the year.” Yes. In all these forecasting calculations, the necessary substitutes to replace the ‘fragile workers’, the tenured professors with multiple pathologies who will leave for a year of teaching. If it is true, as certified by the CGIL, that requests for suspension of teaching activities are between 3 and 5 percent of the workforce (therefore, between 24,000 and 40,000 teachers), the possibility that a A significant contingent of new substitutes and, remember, of these 212.00-260,000 precarious teachers, more than a quarter lack support.
“The minister has gone through an already exhausting year for the virus,” he says. Anna Maria Santoro (Flc Cgil). The two innovations that he loves to get to his chest, online rankings and quick calling, not only didn’t help in recruiting, they put pressure on him by driving broadcasts on paper. The rankings have increased mobility between regions and, full of errors, 40,000 of those recognized so far, have become a daily reason for disputes throughout the country ”. quick call resulted in 2,500 movements of temporary workers in total. “In Lazio there were three questions, one of which was stopped by mistakes. These numbers certify a failure ”.
The CGIL dossier
“All professors in the chair on September 24,” said the minister timing will be respected. The image, provided by Flc Cgil, is as follows. In Lombardy, and here the source is the general manager of the school office, Augusta Celada, “We still have to fill 15,000 of the 19,500 positions. A third is in support. “He explained:” The situation has been critical for many years and the Covid crisis has brought it to the fore. The working times of the GPS questions are not congruent with the start of the lessons. We have received 112,000 applications for substitutes, we began to process them in the last days of August, but the operation is laborious. To fill in the gaps in these weeks, we will authorize directors to call in short substitutes. ” The opposite, here, of the delicate didactic continuity. For Lombardy, the union indicates waiting for the publication of appointments in 7-10 days. So far there have not even been kindergarten substitutions from ranking to exhaustion, in the other years it has already been done. The precarious are more pessimistic: “We will go back to school in October.”
In Piedmont 20,000 roles missing, administrator Fabrizio Manca said they will be finished at the end of September (and not at 24). TO Torino Yesterday afternoon he set about finding a building large enough to be able to make appointments in person and safely. It started, again yesterday, with support and “significant slowdowns and delays” (source CGIL again). TO Novara the provincial school office had to surrender to the correction of the online rankings: the ministry’s indication was to appoint substitutes without changing anything. By Friday, 1,500 temporary workers of the 5,000 teachers should join the service. TO Alexandria you have to assign 600 roles out of 1,600. TO Biella Covid staff still needs to be done.
A Treviso the amount of errors to be corrected has postponed the first appointments to date. TO Vicenza we are in the second location of wrong scores: the call for the topics has not started yet. In the province of Florence no school started with full hours and covered chairs, rather new chicken coop classes. “The corrections of the hundreds of errors will cause a ballet of substitutes during the school year,” says the union. “There will be those who will take the position and then they will be forced to leave it because their score in the ranking was incorrect.” There are still 2,000 substitutes to be assigned plus 473 Covid places. In MoliseIn front of temporary workers, appointments are made even at night. TO Palermo the deadline is indicated on next Friday.
Anci: “The situation has worsened”
The National Association of Italian Municipalities by voice of Loredana Poli, a member of the Education Commission, says: “Numerous chairs have been discovered throughout the territory and schools face difficult situations. Changes and substitutions are a problem, and this year the situation has worsened ”.
Dice Francesco SinopoliFLC CGIL Secretary: “The reopening of the schools was the result of the sacrifice of Italian principals and teachers, compounded by the minister’s inconsistencies and over-sewing. The truth is that if the ministry had hired by degrees in the summer, today it would have thirty-two thousand teachers already available. With the extraordinary competition at the end of October he will have them only for next year ”.
And Calabria wants to start again on the 28th
The Calabria region intends to push the restart date for the 2020-2021 school year even further: for polling stations, most propose leaving on Monday, September 28.