The story of this little angel who will remain in the memories with the image immortalized by the lens, smiling and happy, wearing a jacket and a bow tie, was interrupted after an ordeal that everyone, until the end, hoped to avoid this terrible ending.
SAN LEONARDO. A very young life was broken, destroying a family and an entire community, that of San Leonardo. Michael Puppin was only five years old, a puppy torn from the world by an evil against which nothing, unfortunately, could the most attentive care and total dedication of the medical staff, who tried by all means to save him.
The story of this little angel that will remain in the memories with the image immortalized by the lens, smiling and happy, wearing a jacket and a bow tie, was interrupted after an ordeal that everyone, until the end, hoped to avoid this terrible epilogue.
“He flew to heaven”, reads the obituary of the little boy, whose destiny has torn the heart of every inhabitant of Osgnetto -the village where the Puppin family lives- and of the entire Municipality of San Leonardo, now close to his parents Sanja and Nicola, to the child’s grandparents and other relatives.
The agony caused by the very sad story cannot be told in words, it is difficult to even imagine: “We are very close to the child’s family: his pain is ours,” declares the mayor of San Leonardo, Antonio Comugnaro, shocked by tragedy ( “It was a shock, terrible news”), like everyone else in town.
The boy’s parents are well known in the San Leonardo area, a small community where interpersonal relationships are already close: in fact, they run the local bakery, in the village of Merso di Sopra, beyond the church.
“A splendid family, very good people,” testify from the municipality, drawing the portrait of two extremely serious, hardworking fellow citizens, appreciated for the importance of the service provided and especially esteemed under the human profile. All these elements that amplify the scope of the emotion, the emotional participation in the tragedy that struck Mother Sanja and Father Nicola.
Last Thursday, September 17, goodbye to her beloved Miguel: the funeral will be held in the afternoon, at 3.30 pm, in the church of San Leonardo, arriving from the Puppin family home; In the Church of the Sacred Heart, in Merso di Sopra, the rosary will be said on Wednesday at 8pm. –