
Como, September 15, 2020 – A silent crowd met tonight, in Como, to remember Mr. Roberto Malgesini, on the occasion of the rosary prayed in the Cathedral by the bishop, Monsignor Oscar Cantoni. Only 300 people were able to enter the basilica due to Covid restrictions, but outside, in the Piazza del Duomo, some quietly gathered. hundreds of people. Many with a candle in hand, waiting for the recitation of the Marian prayer to begin. Emotion and dismay too Regoledo (fraction of Cosio Valtellino), in Valtellina, the priest’s homeland. In the usual meeting on Tuesday afternoon, the members of the Cosío municipal council, led by the young mayor Alan Vaninetti, respected a few minutes of meditation. The victim’s parents and siblings reside in the town, the latter immediately left for Como, once they heard the terrible news. “He worked tirelessly to help those most in need, without conditions. He never wanted to have his own parish to manage, but only wanted to be among those who suffer. Now the Diocese of Como has another martyr,” recalled Don Vito Morcelli, pastor of Regoledo .
The murderer
The priest was stabbed to death, this morning at 7 in Piazza San Rocco in Como. 51 years old, priest of the last, as he was known in the city (Who was don roberto). The priest was wounded with a series of cuts, including a fatal one to the neck, and was left on the ground dying not far from the church. He died before rescuers arrived. A stab Homeless 53-year-old Tunisian who later turned himself in.
The precedent of Don Renzo Beretta
The city of Como in January 1999 had experienced something tragically similar: in Ponte Chiasso the parish priest Don Renzo Beretta was stabbed to death, from an immigrant to whom he had given hospitality.
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