How are your family members?
They are recovering, thank goodness none of them have experienced very serious symptoms. To believe me, the anguish of knowing that my children are sick and my grandchildren, who are still children, are also positive, perhaps what made me feel bad the most. That is why I feel close to the pain of so many families that, like mine, have experienced this terrible disease. I feel even closer to someone who has lost a loved one.
You said yourself that you have received so much love and so many messages, political and otherwise: which was the most beautiful?
It would do everyone else a disservice if I mentioned just one. Each one was a gesture of affection, esteem, respect, human solidarity for which I am deeply grateful. I can say that the phone call from the President of the Republic, who represents the nation, sums them all up.
President, what were the hardest moments of your hospitalization, what happened, what did you think of your life?
The hardest moments were the first three days in the hospital. My whole body ached, I couldn’t stay in the same position for more than a minute. She was afraid of not making it. In those moments, the terrible images of the hospitals that we have all seen in recent months, those in intensive care, the intubated patients, were clear in my eyes. I was later told that the viral load found on my swab was the highest found in San Raffaele among thousands of swabs. Therefore, the risk was concrete and real. But I must say that I have never stopped, as in the past, trusting in the help of God and in the great competence of doctors and health personnel. This is the advice that I address to all sick people: do not get carried away, never lose hope of recovery. Covid can be defeated.
You took Covid during the election campaign, were you afraid you could not drive Forza Italia anymore?
In the first days of hospitalization I feared for my life, this s. But then I continued working on interviews for the newspapers, despite Professor Zangrillo, who in addition to being a good doctor friend of mine, tried by all means to prevent me.
Covid is increasing in Italy, do you fear a new blockade?
The case of Israel shows that danger is just around the corner. However, we must absolutely avoid it. A second wave would be an unprecedented humanitarian, health and economic catastrophe. That is why we all have the duty to respect the rules to prevent infections with the utmost rigor.
His personal physician Alberto Zangrillo was noted for optimistic statements about the virus in recent months: has he scolded him?
I think a misunderstanding has arisen about this. Professor Zangrillo has expressed medical evaluations aimed at scientific debate. Perhaps being a clinician and not a politician, he underestimated the fact that the media would take, emphasize and substantially misinterpret them. His was by no means an invitation to lower our guard. Furthermore, in my case he certainly did not underestimate seemingly mild symptoms that hid a very serious situation for which he imposed an immediate hospitalization in the middle of the night.
What do you think of this return to school, how does the government judge?
There is great confusion. The schools had to reopen, this evident, but in safe conditions, which objectively do not exist today.
You did not participate, as an opposition, in the European recovery plan: a mistake by Conte?
The opposition has never really been involved in managing these difficult months.
Do you think the government has clear ideas on how to spend the 209 billion that will come?
They have a very clear idea of lasting as long as possible.
Sul Mes, do you think a decision should be made immediately?
really bad that a positive decision hasn’t been made yet. In the conditions in which we find ourselves, it is incomprehensible to give up enormous resources at no cost that would allow us to build new hospitals, modernize existing ones, hire more health personnel, invest in research. I can’t really understand the meaning of this no.
If the center-right triumphs in the regional elections, what happens?
That we will have good government in the regions and municipalities and it will be confirmed that the majority of the current government is not the majority of the country.
And to talk about your success in how many regions do you have to win?
We do not set limits. We could also win anywhere.
Has he left the freedom of choice on the referendum, a reform that had to be done differently?
Definitely. We had cut the number of parliamentarians since 2005, but within the framework of an organic reform of the institutions, which was later canceled by the left. Done like this, the cut of the parliamentarians only a reduction of the spaces of representation, freedom, democracy. For this reason, Forza Italia has given all its followers the freedom to vote. But let me add another important concept.
You’re welcome.
What I want to ask all Italians to vote. Do not miss the opportunity to express your sovereignty. In referendums as in elections, the people decide, just as fair and healthy in a democracy. There is a phrase attributed to Plato that says that punishment for those who are not interested in public life should be governed by the wrong people. After 2,300 years, this reflection is still valid. the future of the country, our common future, the future of our children are at stake. a heritage that belongs to everyone and therefore affects us all. Italians have given a great test in the most difficult days of the pandemic, it is essential that they know how to be a cohesive and responsible community – beyond any political divergence – even in the difficult passages that await us. I believe in our wonderful country and I invite everyone to believe in it like I do.
September 16, 2020 (change September 16, 2020 | 07:08)