Garbage workers will also be able to fine cars that hinder their work. For regions and provinces, less liability for bridges, overpasses and tunnels, compared to road and highway managers; railways out of control system
by Maurizio Caprino
Garbage workers will also be able to fine cars that hinder their work. For Regions and Provinces, less liability for bridges, overpasses and tunnels, compared to road and highway administrators; railways out of control
3 ‘reading
They won the Local societies. Politically evaluate the mini reform of the Code Checked during the conversion phase of the Simplifications decree (Legislative Decree 76/2020, article 49), it appears that the Municipalities have more possibilities to affect traffic (Ztl with fewer restrictions, more powers for parking attendants and new spaces for bikes and scooters) and security (fixed radars even in the city), earning even more money.
And the provinces come relieved of more than one responsibility in viaducts, overpasses and tunnels, which in fact they cannot manage due to lack of funds. There are also “neutral” innovations, such as the abolition of hierarchical appeals to MIT on signage (however, it should be possible to present them to the Prefecture) and the inclusion of long-term rental among the methods of purchasing vehicles by those who apply for licenses. taxi and authorizations for rental with driver (Ncc).
Ztl and historic centers
It repealed Presidential Decree 250/1999, which required municipalities to be approved by the Ministry of Infrastructure (MIT) for the choice and placement of the cameras that would be used to detect unauthorized access. MIT, which was in trouble at the have authorization requests, must issue a Ministerial Decree with new rules, which should be less strict. At the risk of giving less guarantees to users, who have not infrequently been disoriented up to now by confusing signs.
It will be seen if the guidelines established in a note (which therefore does not have a real binding legal value) of June 28, 2019 on signs, delimitation and other aspects of the Ztl will also be “transferred” to the Ministerial Decree.
“Smooth” mobility
New tools to promote “smooth mobility(Basically the one that has bicycles, e-bikes and electric scooters, although perhaps a ministerial circular on the latter is needed) penalizing the motorized are the mayor’s ordinances with which the two-way bike lane can be established (bike in the opposite direction ) on urban roads with a speed limit of 30 km / h or parts of Ztl and identify “urban bicycle lanes” (always at 30 km / h) where bicycles have priority.