the clashes between the Government and the Regions On the management of the health emergency at the local level, some governors in fact seem to take too much liberty that the Executive does not like.
In just one day the Government has defied two orders regional, that of Sardinia, which provided for the obligation to undergo the test before going to the island and that of Piedmont with which schools were required to measure the temperature of students before entering the classrooms. Here because
The Government challenges the ordinances of the Regions
The executive did not like the decisions made by the governors of Sardinia and Piedmont in recent days, and the State Prosecutor’s Office filed an appeal against the disposition of Solinas and appeal to Sardinian tar, since it does not respect thearticle 16 that guarantees the free movement from the people.
An appeal is expected from yesterday since the order caused chaos in the island’s ports, now it is up to the president of the Administrative Court to decide whether to discuss it in the next room or to suspend it immediately, therefore, within a few hours.
The other contrast sees you as the protagonist Alberto Cirio, which has now been clashing for days with Minister Azzolina, who had already threatened to challenge the order. The Governor’s disposition did not even like the Regional Office of Education, which considered it “late and inappropriate“.
On the other hand Cirio affirmed that until the Tar does not express itself on the suspension, thethe ordinance will remain in effect, explaining that “We are convinced that it is useful and necessary, in addition to being the full competence of the Region, among which is to protect the health of its citizens”.
The positions of Minister Speranza
The Minister of Health, Speranza, also addressed the issue of temperature measurement of students at home, during one of their interventions in the program diMartedì broadcast on La7, reminding parents that this procedure is “In everyone’s interest”. A child with a fever could really represent a danger not just for the other students in your class, but also for all the other people you might meet on the way from home to school
“We ask families to make an effort of a few dozen seconds, but it can be done in everyone’s interest”Speranza said, remembering that if a child has one temperature above 37.5 Grades should stay at home and you will also need to contact your doctor or pediatrician, who will decide whether or not to do a swab.