Nine positive cases in Ravenna, eight symptomatic. Eighteen new infections in the Region linked to returns from abroad


THE REGIONAL SITUATION, TODAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 – Today they register 125 new cases, of which 64 asymptomatic due to regional activities to detect and locate contacts; 55 were already in solitary confinement at the time of the swab execution me 71 were identified in the context of known outbreaks. There are 18 new infections linked to returns from abroad, for which the Region has provided two nasopharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if arriving from non-Schengen countries and one swab if returning from Greece, Spain, Croatia and Malta. The number of return cases from other regions is 2.

Since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, they have been registered in Emilia-Romagna 33,756 cases of positivity. L ‘The average age of new positives today is 36 years. Of the 64 new asymptomatic patients, 14 were identified through category tests introduced by the Region, 2 through pre-hospital tests, 47 through contact tracing, while in 1 case the epidemiological investigation is still ongoing.

Regarding the situation in the territory, the The highest number of cases is registered in the provinces of Modena (38), Bologna (23), Reggio Emilia (16), Rimini (12) and Forlì (16). There are no new positive cases in Ferrara and Imola.

In modena provinceOf 38 new positives, 23 are linked to an outbreak born in Carpi as a result of an initiative organized on the occasion of a traditional celebration of the Pakistani community that took place on August 29 in via Unione Sovietica (of the 23, 17 reside outside the province); 5 are cases of return from abroad (2 from Turkey, 1 from Ukraine, 1 from Moldova, 1 from Morocco), 8 are contacts of known cases, linked to family outbreaks. Two cases were classified as sporadic.

In Bologna and its province, there are 23 new positives (only one hospitalized and all the others in home isolation): 12 are attributable to known outbreaks (family or work environment), 11 are sporadic cases. Still of the total of 23, 9 were identified through contact tracing activities and 6 returned from abroad: 2 from Ukraine, 1 from Moldova, 1 from Macedonia, 1 from Morocco, 1 from Albania.

In Reggio Emilia and its province, of 16 new cases, 10 are attributable to family outbreaks. Three positives emerged thanks to workplace controls, 2 are sporadic cases, 1 is linked to an outbreak in a group of friends.

For Forlì there are 16 new cases. In detail, 1 new positive pertaining to the outbreak was registered in a Cesena logistics company; 3 people tested positive after taking the swab, requested by the family doctor for the symptoms manifested. 5 people tested positive after monitoring known cases; 1 case was positive within an active outbreak, 5 due to contact with positive relatives. One case tested positive after spontaneous smear.

In the Rimini area 12 new cases, of which 4 returned from abroad (2 from Albania, 1 from Egypt, 1 from Tenerife). Five are contacts of already known cases, of which 3 in the family context; one case is a return from Sardinia, while 2 are sporadic, arising as a result of symptoms.

DEATH – Unfortunately, it happened a death: a 79-year-old woman living in the Parma area.

ACTIVE CASES Active cases, that is, the number of real patients, are currently 4,102 (38 more than those registered yesterday).

THE ADMISSIONSThere are 17 patients in intensive care (1 less than yesterday), while those hospitalized in other rooms of the Covid are 168 (+3).

PEOPLE IN ISOLATIONThe people isolated at home, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment, or who do not have symptoms, are 3,917 in total (36 more than yesterday).

THE HEALEDThe total number of people healed reached 25,184 (+86 compared to yesterday)

CASES BY PROVINCE – These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made:

  • 6,531 in Bologna + Imola (+23 Bologna, of which 9 symptomatic; no new cases in Imola)
  • 5,619 in Reggio Emilia (+16, of which 11 symptomatic)
  • 4,912 in Piacenza (+1, no symptoms)
  • 4,707 in Modena (+38, of which 13 symptomatic)
  • 4,123 in Parma (+8, of which 4 symptomatic)
  • 2,521 in Rimini (+12, of which 5 symptomatic).
  • 1,667 in Ravenna (+9, of which 8 symptomatic)
  • 1,331 in Ferrara (no new cases)
  • 1,279 in Forlì (16, of which 11 symptomatic)
  • 1,066 in Cesena (+2, no symptoms)

The information from the Ravenna authorities today, September 15

For the province of Ravenna, 9 cases have been registered today: 1 asymptomatic and 8 with symptoms, 8 in home isolation and 1 hospitalized, 2 men and 7 women and in detail: 3 cases arose as contacts of already known cases, in the family. ; 3 cases that arose after voluntary screening; 3 sporadic cases arose as a consequence of symptoms. For a more long-term figure, it must be added that yesterday the people completely cured amounted to 1,142 (49 of which in the last week), while the patients still sick (active cases) were 391 (65 more than the 7 of September). ); Of these patients, 22 are hospitalized and 369 are in home isolation, of the latter 240 asymptomatic and 129 with symptoms compatible with this regimen. There are no deaths while there are 8 complete cures and 6 clinical cures for which negativization swabs should be performed. The total number of cases diagnosed since the beginning of the infection in Ravenna, updated today, is therefore 1,667, whose distribution by municipality is as follows:

  • 75 residents outside the province of Ravenna
  • 706 Ravenna
  • 271 Faenza
  • 136 Cervia
  • 115 Lugo
  • 74 Russians
  • 39 Alfonsine
  • 57 Bagnacavallo
  • 42 Castelbolognese
  • 10 Conselice
  • 21 Massa Lombarda
  • 9 Sant’Agata sul Santerno
  • 32 Cotignola
  • 14 Riolo Terme
  • 25 Fusignano
  • 18 Solarolo
  • 20 Brisighella
  • 2 Casola Valsenio
  • 1 Bagnara
