Naples, 150 quarantined traffic police: contagion on a table without masks


So far, fourteen police officers have tested positive for the virus; another 150 in quarantine because they belong to the same operational unit and in some way may have had contact with the infected. Closed on San Lorenzo section, the largest in the city with its one hundred and fifty agents who serve an immense piece of Naples every day, the one that goes from Piazza Garibaldi to the Decumani.
It all started on September 8, Tuesday of last week, when a police officer on vacation reported his positivity. It seemed an isolated case, it was a colleague who had not entered the office for days, no one was alarmed where instead it was necessary to be alarmed.

READ ALSO Coronavirus in Naples, contagion alarm among the brigade: outbreak in a barracks, swabs for everyone

As always in these cases there is a moment of relaxation involved that makes you lower your guard. A policeman holds an event, invites everyone else, there is table the close contacts are immense and joyful, absent masks. Two days later, after the first alarm, the San Lorenzo brigade was offered the possibility, at its own free choice, to carry out the swab. Seventeen adhere, go to take the test and then report to work, that same night the results arrive: five of the seventeen are positive. The five that day had worked with other policemen, had been in the car, on the street in contact with citizens. The emergency procedure began immediately, the operating unit was closed with caution and all personnel were protected. In the end in total, yesterday we came to identify 14 positives (all asymptomatic and at home) but also the combatants who had a negative result with the swab were imposed a two-week quarantine: the examination could have been carried out with times too close to the possible contagion and the disease may have remained hidden, they will return to work only when the correct times give certainty about the absence of the virus.

The news of an entire operating unit in quarantine spreads immediately from Vasto to the Historic Center, the “Vivere il Quartiere” association, through the president’s mouth. Enrico cella he asks aloud to know “what were the brigade’s contacts with the citizens, in which houses they went to present notifications, how many motorists they checked the documents, in which areas they were on duty. We cannot allow – says Cella forcefully – that a single citizen can be infected by having contact with a person in uniform. Then there is the most delicate front: “With 150 fewer men, in hot areas like the Vasto and the Decumani, who will guarantee the protection of the territory?”, Asks the president of the association.

The commander of the municipal police, Ciro Esposito, He doesn’t even find a moment to clarify the matter and doesn’t respond. The situation, on the other hand, is very clear for the Municipal Police Councilor, Alessandra Clemente, who looks for reassuring tones: “The commander has handled the Covid-19 cases discovered inside the body in an excellent way. All the movements of the brigade are registered and the people who have been in contact with positives have been confidently quarantined and subjected to swabs. Locations and cars have been disinfected. Our agents are always on the front line and we must thank them. With great responsibility, actions are being taken to protect them and protect the entire city, so that each member of the Corps, since the beginning of the pandemic, has become even more a benchmark, distinguishing itself in relief actions, controls, solidarity, assistance “.

As the issue of the outbreak exploded among the brigade, yesterday another alarm came from the Anm. An employee of Metro station turned out to be positive. This is a person who is usually on duty in Piazza Municipio: she certainly had contacts with colleagues, probably also with passengers who from time to time asked to verify their travel documents. How many people have had contact with him? The company is trying to track each one, meanwhile a tampon campaign has been started for the 15 employees who were certainly close to those infected.

