here is who can “go out” at 58 and with 35 contributions


Pensions, Social Ape and women's option extended for one more year: here you can

Ape Sociale me Woman option, the extension arrives. The government-union game on reforming the social security system begins today with two balls already practically in the hole. The executive, who still does not know the exact scope of the financial coverage necessary to carry out the multiple files on the table, has already decided that he will continue one more year with two instruments that expire at the end of 2020. Therefore confirmation in 2021 for the Social Ape that allows certain categories of workers (unemployed, caregivers, 74% disabled, heavy workers) to retire at 63 years, with 30 or 36 years of contributions, and a new green disk also for the Women’s Option: mechanism of Early retirement reserved for workers who as of December 31, 2019 have accumulated 35 years of contributions and an age equal to or greater than 58 years (for wage earners) and 59 years (for self-employed).

Pensions, 102 check mark: the government studies an exit in 64 with 38 contributions

Pensions, the exit with 41 years back on the table. Quota 100 does not change until the end of 2021

For the Social Ape, among other things, a strengthening of the operation is hypothesized to include among the beneficiaries some categories currently excluded.


This need is very important to unions. “In previous meetings – explains Domenico Proietti, confederal secretary of the Uil – we illustrated to the government all our proposals, including the extension of the extension of the audience of the categories of the Social Mono, the extension of the Woman Option, the culmination of the safeguard of esodati, the strengthening of the fourteenth and the promotion of affiliation to pension funds. “Another issue dear to the unions is that of supporting young people with the creation of a guarantee pension capable of combating low wages, Discontinued careers and unemployment: a mixture of elements that, projected in the coming years, will make pensions increasingly poor. According to Censis data, in 30 years there will be 5.7 million people who could be below the poverty line and, to avoid it, we are trying to build a measure capable of guaranteeing worthy checks even to those with price holes derived from disco races ntinuous. .


The objective of the guarantee pension for young people is to guarantee, even for those who entered the world of work after 1996 (when the contributory system for all was introduced) a social security allowance that is not calculated only on the contributions actually paid but also on a theoretical contribution for discontinuous and training periods, in addition to periods of involuntary unemployment. The measure would begin in 2040 and, in general terms, it would be an integration that would take the minimum starting threshold for the allocation of social security beyond the poverty line of 780 euros. Among the issues on the table under discussion starting today (in addition to the central issue of exceeding Quota 100, whose experimental phase will end next year), is the revaluation of pensions.


Since April, after 8 years of waiting, an audience of 2.8 million retirees has seen the total increase in the allocation based on the inflationary trend: a mini increase in the revaluation of retirement income. between 1,522 and 2,029 euros gross per month (between three and four times the minimum treatment). As of 2022, the revaluation will be 90% for checks between € 2,029 and € 2,538 per month and 75% for all checks over € 2,538. In short, the government, at least for low-income pensioners, has lifted the handbrake on the inflation indexing machine but the march, the unions complain, which are therefore asking for the intervention of Palazzo Chigi, will be very slow and not enough to compensate. money lost since 2011, when the Monti executive put retirees on a diet. Last updated: 21:42

