
A suspected case of Coronavirus at school requires immediate call to operations center 118, telephone triage, dispatch of a dedicated emergency vehicle, and rapid testing.
In class, during the lessons, the students will protect themselves with the para-droplet visor and will use the mask only when distance is impossible.
These are some of the points provided by the System Guidelines 118 to combat Covid-19 in schools that are made known to the Prime Minister and the Ministers of Health and Education based on the strategic vision gained in the field, in field. specific out-of-hospital.
Then, the Sis 118 guidelines state that schools are equipped with thermal scanning and oximeter for students, teachers and school staff in order to identify a suspected case of Covid-19 as quickly as possible.
The document still says: “It is of utmost strategic importance to guarantee the 3 phases of early interception, early isolation, early treatment of cases affected by Covid-19 and to ensure the most timely execution of the rapid molecular test.”
When crew 118 arrive at the school, in the room dedicated to the temporary isolation of suspected cases, the detection of vital signs, the general clinical evaluation of the subject (possibly including lung ultrasound) and the performance of rapid molecular tests with nasal swab. -pharyngeal.
If you do not have technology capable of performing on-site diagnostics, the swab is taken to the competent ASL laboratory with the obligation to respond within 120 minutes. In the case of a positive finding for the infection, 118 will accompany the positive person to their home under conditions of high biocontainment if they are asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic (in the case of a student, possibly together with the parents) or protected transportation to the Covid hospital if “older” symptomatic.
“If there is a suspicious case among students, teachers, non-teaching staff – commented the national president of 118 Systems, Mario Balzanelli – “the family member cannot return home before the test results, first of all alerting the operations center 118, with the risk of infecting the family members ”.
“It is a very delicate moment for the life of our country, for the future of our children and the national community,” says Mario Balzanelli, national president of SIS118. And he concludes: “We cannot afford avoidable errors, infections, hospitalizations and deaths, closing schools immediately after opening, as has already happened in many countries. In our opinion, the observance of some essential and irreplaceable recommendations and the implementation of fundamental management methods, already widely proven, are essential ”.