Pensions, from option 41 to 102: the proposals that come to the table with the unions


MILAN – The pension dossier returns to the center of the government’s agenda. Tomorrow the meeting between the members of the Executive and the representatives of the Executive to reopen the pension scheme is scheduled, after it has been repeatedly clarified that the quota of 100 will not be extended at the end of the three-year trial.

So goodbye to the possibility of leaving your job if your age and years of contribution reach 100. At the same time, however, the government is studying a new exit window, a kind of 102 quota, with 64 years of age and 38 listing. , in any case against a minimum reduction in the amount for fewer years of contribution compared to the traditional exit. Everything from 2022, that is, when 100 will no longer be activated.

Another hypothesis under study, especially supported by the unions, is the proportion of 41. In this case, access to retirement would start regardless of age, but with at least 41 years of late contributions, a hypothesis that is now considered for a restricted category of workers. .

Proietti (Uil): “Tomorrow we expect clear answers”

“Tomorrow we hope to enter the fund and we expect clear answers from the executive,” said Domenico Proietti, confederal secretary of Uil, about the meeting on the reform of the social security system scheduled for tomorrow afternoon at 5 pm.

“In previous meetings – Proietti explains – we illustrated to the Government all our proposals to continue changing the Fornero pension law. In particular, on the broadening of the audience of the Ape social categories, with attention to the effects on employment generated by the crisis; in the extension of the female option; at the culmination of the safeguarding of the exodus; in strengthening the fourteenth for pensions and in rekindling the outbreaks to promote adherence to pension funds. At age 62, he will be used to manage the post-Coronavirus productive restructuring phase; promote the care and maternity work of women for social security purposes; protect future pensions for young people and improve the mechanism for revaluation of existing pensions ”.
