Coronavirus Deaths and Infections Bulletin Milan and Lombardy Infections September 15, 2020


Another 176 infections and two deaths in Lombardy. This is the September 15 update on the coronavirus situation in Lombardy. As always, Pirellone released the data, confirming the positive trend in cures / discharges (+223) and the high number of swabs performed, 19,399. The number of people hospitalized increased, +1 in intensive care and +1 less serious.

The situation in hospitals is stable, with only one more hospitalization in intensive care and another in the normal ward. In Milan there are +90 cases, of which +46 in the city.


Coronavirus, the transport network slows back to school

On the first day back to school, the situation in the ATM network was regular both in the subway and on the surface. There was an increase in passengers equal to 20% compared to last Monday, in any case the filling coefficient was around 65% / 70%, therefore lower than the maximum allowed (equal to 80%) required by the regulations. of the Dpcm of September 7.

For the recovery, Atm has deployed more than 350 people to provide assistance at the main interchange stations and at the bus stops of the busiest surface lines.

The ATM communication campaign on the correct use of the mask has been strengthened with announcements on board and at the station, as well as activities focused on the Company’s social networks.

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As of today, the video showing the sanitation of the vehicles, which has been intensified in the terminal even during the day, is also broadcast on the subway screens and on the buses. We also remind you that the new function is available in the Atm Milano App that allows, by selecting the station of interest, to know the attendance status divided by time bands to better plan, as far as possible, your movements.
