Desks On wheels like bumper cars A video in which some boys school They use the single-seater benches in the least reckless way, crashing and playing as if they were in an attraction in an amusement park. The video was also shared by some politicians, including Matteo salvini, accompanied by the legend “no comments” and the hashtag #AzzolinaBocciata in protest against the Minister of Education. But at a certain point the truth emerges: the video was not recorded in these first two days of school, but goes back to 2017.
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To clarify, it was the author of that video, who on TikTok specified that he had taken that scene 3 years ago, also showing the date with a screenshot. In fact, benches on wheels have been present in some Italian schools for several years. The hashtag went viral on Twitter # VideoDel2017, thanks to many users who wanted to shed light on the subject, denying what is a full-blown fake news.
No comment. #AzzolinaBocciata pic.twitter.com/D4xUAEqPy8
– Matteo Salvini (@matteosalvinimi) September 14, 2020
Last updated: 20:28