Funeral María Paola, the homily: “Here hate is silent.” Ciro: “I will love you beyond the clouds”


Caivano (Naples), September 15, 2020 – It is the day of pain and farewell, in Caivano. At 4.30 p.m. the white coffin with the body of Maria Paola Gaglione he arrives at the church of San Paolo Apostolo, greeted by a moving applause. But first, as a severe warning, on display in the plaza could be read the farewell of Cyrus, the girl’s trans partner, who was with her on the scooter chased by her brother Michele, arrested on involuntary manslaughter charges. “We ran only towards our freedom, or at least we thought we were running towards our little great happiness – writes Cyrus – Wherever you are, my heart will be with you. I will love you beyond the clouds. Cyrus”.

Funeral of María Paola, the banner of Ciro (Ansa)

Maria Paola Gaglione, Caivano: blood and honor. The law of the ghetto neighborhood

Behind the coffin of Maria Paola entered the church mother Pina, supported by her husband and other family members. The woman remained seated, haunted by grief, throughout the funeral. Some of the participants in the funeral wear a T-shirt with a reproduction of the photo of the 18-year-old who died during the persecution of her brother. “Here we are in the church, the place where hate is silent. There is no place for hatred in the church ”, begins Don Maurizio Patriciello after begging everyone to turn off their cell phones.

The homily: hatred is silent here

Sorry Paolè, we apologize for not having been able to protect this fragile and precious life of yours – said don Maurizio – Today, after talking so much, we want to look back at you, Paola. You passed into this world like lightning and too soon the night has come for you, a tragic, swift and terrible night. If death really did end the joy of life there would be some despair, but we are in a Christian Catholic church, the same one where you were baptized by this priest who is celebrating your funeral. Today, according to human logic, in this church we are many living people and a deceased girl in that white coffin. Well, for Christians things do not know like that, before God there is no kingdom of the living and the kingdom of death, only the kingdom of God.

The parish priest is moved to remember having baptized her, remembering her smile. “We ask forgiveness for our limitations, our stupid pride, our sins – he says in the homily – now is the time for prayer. You passed through this world like lightning, a painful, tragic night. You were baptized by this priest. that today is celebrating your funeral. We are in the church, the house where the voice of God resounds, where hatred is silent. To follow justice and never revenge. Before sexual orientation, we are human beings ”.

Michele wanted to attend the funeral

Michele Antonio Gaglione, the 30-year-old brother of Maria Paola, accused of the involuntary murder of his sister, wanted to make a request to attend the funeral, but it would have been useless. “We would not have been able to get permission,” says the young man’s lawyer, Domenico Paolella, “especially because he must respect the quarantine before leaving prison. As soon as possible he will go to the cemetery, we will surely make a request. Now there are obstacles ”.
Yesterday, the investigating judge of Nola (Naples) Fortuna Basile confirmed Michele’s preventive detention in prison, considering him “incapable of controlling his aggressive impulses” and, therefore, endowed with “an accentuated social danger”. The 30-year-old’s lawyers have announced an appeal to the Court of Review.

The parish priest: the drama of a family

Waiting for the funeral rite, Don Maurizio Patriciello, parish priest of Caivano He said, “I don’t want to be misunderstood, definitely the the family was not ready for the type of relationship that María Paola had undertaken and certainly the non acceptance contributed to the occurrence of this tragedy ”. And she emphasizes: “It must be said, however, with the same clarity, that they would also have opposed a heterosexual relationship, if it were framed in the same context as that of María Paola and Ciro. The girl was ran away from home and she, with her fiancé, had neither a place to live nor a job. So it was normal for the family to be worried. “And again: 2 I went to my parents’ house this morning and saw a dramatic situation. Maria Paola’s mother is devastated. An eighteen-year-old daughter died, the other son accused of killing her and, to top it all, an elderly sick mother to care for ”.
