Coronavirus, contagion alarm in Palermo: two closed nurseries


The emergency continues Coronavirus to Palermo and now the schools are under observation.

At Nursery Lark, in Falsomiele, a parent told him that he had had contact with people who tested positive while at the Filastrocca nursery, to the Auditor, a municipal employee tested positive.

Either way they were Sanitation procedures began and the facility was closed., waiting for the ASP to authorize the reopening.

Coronavirus, another case in a school in Palermo: quick swabs arrive in Sicily

Maximum attention to the world of school and childhood. Yesterday a case concerned an employee of the “Alessandra Siragusa” teaching department in Pallavicino, where the director and the teachers’ board had already decided to start classes on September 24.

The institute employee reported that she tested positive for Covid-19 and thus the complexes were closed and immediate sanitation occurred.

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