recreation, dining room, external personal access, spaces for teaching. Check the list of requirements to follow –


The Usr for Sicily has published a checklist to verify school compliance to limit the risk of transmission of Covid 19.

In the notice, Director General Stefano Suraniti stresses that the responsibility to return to school safely cannot rest solely with the principal. “but it is the result of the collaboration of all (teachers, administrative and technical personnel, students, parents), since only with a systemic and collegiate approach can the precious asset of public health be protected“.

With the checklist, USR stands for “provide school leaders with a support tool that, while not intended to be comprehensive, is helpful in identifying the essential requirements in this emergency situation; The Checklist, based on operational indications in continuous evolution, is divided into levels: -I- owner of the property, -II- director of the school, -III- subjects directly involved (competent doctor, RSPP, supervisors, teachers, workers in general, students, parents, external companies, etc …) and -IV- management of procedures and / or suggestions; the compilation of the checklist should obviously lead to the planning of “remedial” interventions by the various stakeholders“.

The checklist refers to educational spaces, entrances, suspected cases of Covid, recreation, dining room, etc.

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