1,229 new cases and 9 deaths


The coronavirus epidemic in Italy: today’s newsletter, Tuesday, September 15, 2020. There are 1,229 new cases of coronavirus in Italy, according to data published by the Ministry of Health. In the last 24 hours, 9 deaths have been registered, bringing the total to 35,633 since the beginning of the emergency.

The largest number of new cases (176) was identified in Lombardy. In the last 24 hours, 9 deaths have been registered, bringing the total to 35,633 since the beginning of the emergency. Compared to yesterday, 80,517 were carried out tampons also: in total, there are 9,943,944. There are 201 patients admitted to intensive care, an increase of 4 units.

Coronavirus, today’s bulletin September 15, 2020: numbers and table

  • Currently positive: 39,712
  • Deaths: 35,633 (+9, + 0.03%)
  • Discharged / Cured: 214,645 (+695, + 0.32%)
  • Hospitalized: 2,423 (+104)
  • Hospitalized in ICU: 201 (+4)
  • Buffers: 9,943,944 (+80,517)
  • Total cases: 289,990 (+1,229, + 0.43%)


Coronavirus, data from the Regions

Here are the data divided by region: the first number refers to the total number of cases since the beginning of the epidemic, the second to the currently positive ones, while the third refers to the increase that occurred in the last 24 hours.

  • Lombardy: 103,640 (8,799) (176)
  • Piedmont: 33,853 (2,157) (39)
  • Emilia-Romagna: 33,756 (4,102) (125)
  • Veneto: 24,979 (2,984) (115)
  • Lazio: 13,443 (4,997) (139)
  • Tuscany: 13,214 (2,527) (41)
  • Liguria: 12,058 (1,251) (141)
  • Campania: 9,351 (4,080) (136)
  • March: 7,575 (536) (14)
  • Apulia: 6,586 (1,776) (76)
  • PA Trento: 5.541 (474) (20)
  • Sicily: 5,383 (1,919) (77)
  • Friuli Venezia Giulia: 4,181 (609) (20)
  • Abruzzo: 4,034 (591) (18)
  • PA Bolzano: 3.156 (320) (21)
  • Sardinia: 2,964 (1,457) (36)
  • Umbria: 2,100 (459) (22)
  • Calabria: 1,722 (374) (4)
  • Aosta Valley: 1,266 (42) (3)
  • Basilicata: 618 (161) (5)
  • Molise: 570 (97) (1)

In Lombardy There are 176 new cases of Covid19-positive people, compared to 19,399 swabs tested, bringing the positive-to-test ratio to 0.9%. Of the 176 positives, 35 were “weak” and 8 arose after serological tests. The cured and discharged are 233 more than yesterday, according to the latest data from the Lombardy Region.

The Crisis Unit of the Region Piedmont reported that the virologically cured patients, that is, who tested negative in the two tests at the end of the disease, are 27,226 (+ 14 compared to yesterday), 3,398 (+2) Alessandria, 1,619 in Asti, 852 (+1) Biella , 2,618 in Cuneo, 2,450 (+3) Novara, 13,905 (+7) Turin, 1206 in Vercelli, 994 (+1) Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, as well as 184 from other regions. Another 317 are “improving,” that is, negative on the first test swab, post-illness and awaiting the result of the second.

“Today in the Lazio There are 139 cases of these 74 are in Rome and two deaths “. This was emphasized by the Minister of Health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato, in the daily bulletin.” In ASL Roma 1 there are 20 cases in the last 24 hours and of these five are cases of refoulement, two with links from Sardinia, two with links with the community of Peru and one with Greece. There are three cases with a family link or contact of an already known and isolated case “, continues the commissioner.” In ASL Roma 2 there are 47 cases in the last 24 hours and among these seventeen cases of return, one with a link from Sardinia, one from Bangladesh, one from Spain, eleven with links to the community of Peru, one from Bolivia, one from Argentina and one from Calabria – continues D’Amato – Six cases identified by the GP. There are five contacts of already known and isolated cases and four cases identified in the prehospital phase. In ASL Roma 3 there are 7 cases in the last 24 hours and there are six cases with links from Sardinia “.

People currently positive for the coronavirus in Friuli Venezia Giulia there are 615 (17 more than yesterday). Two patients are being treated in intensive care, while 24 are hospitalized in other wards. No new deaths were recorded (349 in total). This was announced by the Deputy Governor responsible for Health. Today 20 new infections have been detected; Therefore, analyzing the general data since the beginning of the epidemic, 4,181 people tested positive for the virus: 1,544 in Trieste, 1,343 in Udine, 937 in Pordenone and 344 in Gorizia, plus 13 people from outside the region. The totally cured amount to 3,217, the clinically cured are 6 and the people in isolation 583. The deceased are 197 in Trieste, 77 in Udine, 68 in Pordenone and 7 in Gorizia.

“In Calabria To date, 174,778 have been carried out. The people who tested positive for Coronavirus are 1,722 (+4 compared to yesterday), the negatives are 173,056 “. We read it in the newsletter of the Calabria Region, which registers 374 currently active cases”. Territorially – he continues – the positive cases are distributed as follows: Catanzaro: 13 in the ward; 30 in home isolation; 187 recovered; 33 deceased. Cosenza: 13 in the pavilion; 2 in intensive care; 91 in home isolation; 462 recovered; 34 deceased. Reggio Calabria: 5 in the room; 92 in home isolation; 304 cured; 19 deceased. Crotone: 20 in home isolation; 117 recovered; 6 deceased. Vibo Valentia: 8 in home isolation; 85 recovered; 5 deceased. Another Region or Foreign State: 196 (the total also includes the deceased in the Cosenza intensive care unit who resided outside the region) “.

There are 136 new cases of coronavirus in Campania emerged today from the analysis of 3,895 swabs. The total of positives since the beginning of the emergency in Campania is 9,351, while the total of swabs analyzed is 505,463. There are no new deaths (the total is still 452) while there are 60 new cured: the total cured is 4,819 (of which 4,815 are completely cured and 4 are clinically recovered).

In Puglia 76 new cases of Covid19 were found out of a total of 4677 swabs, a record number of swabs processed in one day. These are the data from the regional bulletin. In relation to the number of tests, the number of infections decreases. These are mainly close contacts of positive people, therefore detected with epidemiological surveillance and tracking. The new cases are 34 in the province of Bari, 5 in the province of Barletta Andria Trani, 26 in the province of Foggia, 1 in the province of Lecce, 10 in the province of Taranto, none in Brindisi. A person hospitalized in the province of Taranto died.

There are 141 new cases of positivity for coronavirus registered in Liguria, according to the bulletin released today by the Region. 2445 swabs were made in the last 24 hours, 269875 from the start of the emergency. 140 people are hospitalized, 2 more than yesterday.

There are 36 new cases of Covid -19 positivity in Sardinia, found in the latest update of the Regional Crisis Unit. There are 86 (+1) hospitalized patients, the number of those in intensive care is increasing, now 18 (+2), while in home isolation there are 1,353. The cured are 1,367, the number of deaths remains unchanged, 140. In total 161,018 swabs were performed, with an increase of 1,616 tests compared to the last update. Of the 2,964 positive cases verified in total, 488 (+5) were detected in the metropolitan city of Cagliari, 295 in the south of Sardinia, 171 (+1) in Oristano, 262 (+8) in Nuoro, 1,748 (+22 ) in Sassari.

Coronavirus, today’s bulletin Tuesday, September 15, 2020 (Pdf)

A total of 4034 positive cases for Covid 19 are registered in Abruzzo from the beginning of the emergency. Compared to yesterday, there are 18 new cases (between 25 and 83 years old). The death toll of patients is still 473. This was reported by the Regional Department of Health. The number of positive cases also includes 2,970 discharged / cured (+4 compared to yesterday, of which 15 of symptomatic with clinical manifestations associated with Covid 19 became asymptomatic and 2,955 that resolved the symptoms of the infection and were negative in two consecutive tests).

There are 5 new cases of coronavirus infection detected in Basilicata, all in Matera, out of a total of 497 swabs made yesterday. These are close contacts of a person who tested positive in recent days and has no symptoms for Covid19. Meanwhile, the number of people hospitalized in Lucanian hospitals has risen to 7 (+1; citizen of San Severino Lucano): three in the infectious diseases department of the San Carlo hospital in Potenza and three in the Madonna delle Grazie hospital in Matera. the patients are in the infectious disease ward and one from Puglia is in the intensive care unit. Overall, the current cases in Basilicata amount to 141 (+5) for which the task force makes a distinction based on residence.

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In Tuscany There are 13,214 cases of coronavirus positivity, 41 more than yesterday (15 identified in the course of screening and 26 from screening activities). New cases are 0.3% more than the total of the previous day. The average age of 41 cases today is approximately 42 years (12% are under 26, 37% between 26 and 40, 39% between 41 and 65, 12% are over 65) and, in terms of the clinical states, 63% were asymptomatic, 12% pauci-symptomatic. Of the 41 positive cases currently, 2 cases may be related to returns from abroad. 1 case can be linked to returns from other Italian regions (Sardinia). 1 case referred to a citizen residing outside the region whose positivity was notified in Tuscany. 41% of the cases is a contact linked to a previous case.

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