Rome, September 15, 2020 – The new bulletin about the epidemic of Coronavirus in Italy, After the slight decrease in new positives since yesterday, today there is a slight rebound in infections. Meanwhile, while Cts meets to put a point on the duration of the quarantine, PTS scientists launch the call: “Stop a double negative bufferAnd in this sense, with the first day of school behind us, there is already a boom in applications from parents of tampons For children. Da Norcia is the prime minister Giuseppe Conte to send a message of confidence and hope: “Together we can also win this challenge.” Meanwhile, Covid continues to operate in the rest of the world and the alert is also high in Europe: while Britain is about to start testing an aerosol vaccine, in France daily infections remain high and we look for outbreaks in universities. .
Covid, the budget for September 15
According to updates from the Ministry of Health, are then growth of new Covid cases in Italy: 1,229 today, against 1,008 yesterday. But tampons: 80.517 vs 45.309. Down i deaths, 9 (yesterday there were 14), while those cured more than double: 695 in 24 hours (yesterday 316). The total discharged / cured is 214,645 (+695), while the total current positives is 39,712 (+525).
The numbers of the Regions
Lombardy, 176 positives and 2 deaths
am 176 the new positives to Coronavirus in Lombardy, after 19,399 swabs processed in the last 24 hours, with a ratio of positive swabs of 0.9%. Two deaths rregistered, with a total of 16,903 victims since February. There are currently 223 cured people discharged, with a total of 77,938 people (76,555 recovered and 1,383 discharged). There is one more hospitalized patient both in intensive care, 29 in total the beds occupied, as in the rest of the wards, with 263 people in the hospital.
Lazio: 136 other cases
“Today in Lazio they are registered 139 almost, of which 74 in Rome, and two deaths“This was announced by the regional health advisor, Alessio D’Amato.” Starting tomorrow – he explains – experimentation begins on two ‘Covid Free’ Rome-Milan flights at Fiumicino airport, a joint initiative between AdR, Alitalia and the Lazio Region “.
Tuscany, hospitalized jump
In tuscany 41 new cases in Coronavirus, 1 death and 13 cures. Jump of hospitalized in the last 24 hours: I am in everything today 110 hospitalized patients in the Covid area, but the number of people in intensive care is slightly reduced (17, -1). Since the beginning of the epidemic, therefore, 13,214 have been infected, 9,536 have recovered and 1,151 have died. In addition, according to the monitoring of health agencies, the number of patients with mild symptoms placed in quarantine rose to 2,417 (+17 compared to yesterday) and 4,167 people under active surveillance (+40) after contacts with those infected.
Campania, 136 infections
am 136 new cases of Coronavirus in Campania emerged today from the analysis of 3,895 swabs. The total of positives since the beginning of the emergency in Campania is 9,351, while the total of swabs analyzed is 505,463. There are no new deaths (the total is still 452) while there are 60 new cured.
Liguria: 141 new cases
I am 141 new cases of positivity registered in Liguria. 2445 swabs were made in the last 24 hours, 269875 from the start of the emergency. 140 people are hospitalized, 2 more than yesterday. Of these, 12 are in intensive care. Hospitalizations in La Spezia have fallen: 79, 4 less than yesterday. Of these, 8 are in intensive care.
Puglia, 76 infections
There are 76 new Covid cases registered in Puglia, compared to 4,677 tests carried out, with a sharp increase in the Foggiano area. The city of Dauna, with its 26 cases, ranks second after Bari (34), while 5 people are infected in Bat, 26 in the province of Foggia, 1 in Lecce, 10 in the province of Taranto. 1 death was recorded.
The other Regions
In Market slight increase in infections, but with more swabs processed: 14 coronavirus positives recorded in the last 24 hours. In Abruzzo 18 new positives. However, a new increase in Covid patients admitted to hospitalsUmbria, spent on the last day from 24 to 29, six of them in intensive care (one more than yesterday), while the new confirmed cases of positive Covid-19 in the last hours are 22. Also in Sardinia 36 new infections and the number of people admitted to intensive care is increasing, now 18 (+2). Twenty new cases in Friuli Venezia Giulia and 4 in Calabria.
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