Covid, 65 new positives in Liguria and still an increase in hospitalized: 3 deaths in La Spezia


Liguria. am 65 new positive coronaviruses in Liguria based on 1,682 swabs tested in the last twenty-four hours. These are the data contained in the new bulletin issued by the Region on the health emergency.

The details of the 65 new positives today: Asl 1 a hospital access case; Asl 2 other 3 new cases, of which one hospital access and two for case contacts; Asl 3, there are 14 cases, of which 6 are contacts of confirmed cases and 8 for detection activities; Asl 5, another 47, of which 32 contacts of cases and 15 for screening activities.

It should be noted that the ASL specification does not refer to the residence of the people but to the territorial headquarters of the laboratories where the swab was reported.

the 138 hospitalized, 12 units more than yesterday, and of these 12 are in intensive care.

Actually i am 2,345 positive cases in LiguriaThe excluded healed with two negative tests and died: there are 49 more than yesterday. There are 11,917 positive cases in total, including those cured with two negative tests and the deceased (+65). There are 1,606 positive cases identified by screening tests (+18). The total number of positive cases in symptomatic patients is expected to be 10,311 (+47).

In everything you are 1,732 subjects under active surveillance. In total they were carried out 267,430 swabs that’s 995 more than yesterday.

the there are 1,062 people in home isolation, 45 more than yesterday. The total number of cured patients, with two consecutive negative tests, is 7,990 and they are 13 more than yesterday. In the last 24 hours, ASL 5 reports 3 deaths: 70-year-old man, died on 09/13 in Medicine (Sarzana hospital) and resident in La Spezia, 88-year-old woman, died on 09/14 in geriatrics (Sarzana hospital) and resident in La Spezia, 94-year-old man, died on 09/14 in Medicine (Sarzana hospital) and residing in La Spezia).

the there are 219 positive people in the Savona area, the hospitalized in the hospital there are 9 in total (or 3 more than yesterday), including one in intensive care. HE subjects under active surveillance in Asl 2 they are in all 196.
