“Rejected by 70% of Italians” – Libero Quotidiano


Things beyond belief: to Lucia azzolina all went well. There is talk of the resumption of classes at school on Monday, September 14, which has raised controversy in all latitudes among kneeling children, absent teachers and desks that never arrived. However, as always, the unlikely minister of M5 it is promoted. “The reopening of the school that moved us so much was not easy: balance is good, facing a reboot that was not entirely obvious. “Yes, Azzolina goes so far as to say that” the balance is good “. So, as she has done several times in recent weeks, she points her finger at her predecessors:”We inherited a school that has suffered greatly over the years due to cuts. “

And again, Azzolina adds: “Perhaps it was precisely the confinement that made Italy rediscover how important school is, how much the country does not exist without school.” Thus the minister M5s of Ravenna, where he was going to attend the presentation of the projects created by the schools and dedicated to Dante, on the occasion of the seventh centenary of the poet’s death. And immediately after Azzolina’s words, one of his most fervent opponents thought about putting the proverbial dots on the “i”,. Matteo salvini, which has relaunched the figures from a survey published by The newspaper according to which “70% of Italians reject the job of Minister Azzolina”. Apart from “good balance”, in short …
