While waiting for the structures and furniture that the ministry should deliver to all Italian schools (except in cases where the schools themselves, with their own funds, or the local authorities, provided them), the school organized and planned the ‘start of the school year that has already seen, in many realities and regions, male and female students dedicated to both face-to-face and distance education, the so-called “integrated digital education” envisaged by the 2020-2021 school plan. Effectively guaranteeing access to technology for all students, training teachers and adequately equipping the school: these are the three fundamental actions to prevent integrated digital education from widening the learning gaps
Resources and design
Therefore, it is necessary, beyond the DDI Plan or the DDI Regulation itself, to provide teachers and students with resources and operational ideas, especially for those who have never worked in blended mode (face-to-face and remotely) and are not familiar. with the digital world. However, this necessarily requires a review of both the disciplinary and vertical curricular model of the Institute. In fact, “the implementation of distance education, imposed by the emergency of the coronavirus, has significantly changed the didactic-educational methodology of teaching, which has greatly affected the new way of learning and” teaching “with ICT. The learning environment has changed but not the objective of the teachers, which has remained, however, that of acquiring knowledge and developing skills and competencies ”, as stated by professor Rosalba Cavarretta, a physical education teacher, author of valuable scientific publications in The matter. and among these the guide “[email protected]“Inherent in the programming for the lower secondary cycle (divided into classes) and published by De Agostini Scuola, in 2018. A guide that was born from the desire to give a significant cultural and methodological change to the discipline that was long neglected, with the hope that it can become a common programming reference. And continues Professor Rosalba Cavarretta, ICS Renato Guttuso professor in Carini (Pa) “although I firmly believed that the presence in the school of students and teachers should be privileged, thanks to my positive experience, I wanted to configure my 2020 curriculum, integrating the La face-to-face teaching with digital (DDI), also because physical education, precisely because of the peculiarity of its thematic nuclei, lends itself to such integration ”.
The 2020 Physical Education Curriculum, with DDI
Starting from the founding nuclei of the discipline and making reference to the National Indications of 2012, which constitute the reference point of all teachers for didactic planning, Professor Rosanna Cavarretta (after being multiple regional and national champion of aerobic gymnastics, in 2001 she specialized as an instructor in “Total Body Workout” and in 2003 she obtained the most important title in the field of fitness: the “Personal Trainer” diploma), she proposes and has identified for each of them:
1. European key competences: those defined by the 2018 European Council, which we all need for personal fulfillment and development, employability, social inclusion, a sustainable lifestyle, health-conscious life management and citizenship active. They develop from a lifelong learning perspective, from early childhood through adult life. These skills are promoted as part of all learning activities, using and properly finalizing the contributions offered by each discipline.
2. The student’s competency profile at the end of the first cycle of education: it is the description of the competencies that the student must demonstrate at the end of the first cycle of education, the result of an educational and training continuity.
3.I Goals for the development of competencies, to be reached at the exit in the three school levels: they help teachers to finalize the educational action.
4. The disciplinary learning objectives, divided by class: identify the knowledge and skills that are considered essential for the achievement of the specific skills expected.
Disciplinary goals and objectives
The learning and disciplinary objectives are the final ones that will later be selected and distinguished by class in the planning of the training course. In the curriculum designed by professor Rosalba Cavarretta, icon of didactic experimentation in the field of physical education, the contents, activities, methodologies, means, tools, verifications and evaluation are also specified.
Some tips for “devices”
“Minimal” digital tool to access the DDA. It is not suitable due to the inappropriate size of the screen, the difficulties of participating in “virtual classrooms” and the production of content.
Optimal technical tool for working in the ‘multi-device’ class (Bring your own device – BYOD). It is not recommended as a ‘one-to-one’ device (ie the only device in the classroom, the same for everyone). It is not indicated when the only tool to access online teaching is at home. It could be optimal in some types of teaching tasks, but not as a main work tool or worse as a single tool.
Low-end Android tablets are available on the market that raise serious concerns about distance learning functionality (‘thin’ and limited versions of the operating system, inability to critical updates, etc.). They seem essentially inadequate in relation to the needs of the PDD, “to be lost” in a very short time.
Notebook PC (laptop)
They represent the solution probably known to most. However, some aspects must be taken into account. They must be recent enough machines for the latest operating system to work properly. It is essential to have a suitable processor and at least 128 GB of solid state memory units, that is, SSD (better avoid the models equipped with HDD hard disk, certainly more spacious but now they are supplied with mostly obsolete models, speaking of low price). The machine must be designed to guarantee access to at least the basic functions required by the DDA: navigation, access to the platform and web applications, text editors and spreadsheets, basic graphic rework, playback of audio and video content, access to the platforms of the editors of the texts for adoption. These are basic functions in the standard equipment of the machines on the market (not in the remains of stock), however they can be integrated with the incorporation of open source software.