High school student found with fever: isolated


First bell and first suspected case. School has just started and three students are standing at the entrance with a temperature above 37.5, which for two of them will drop shortly after. It happened at the Quadri scientific institute in Vicenza, which yesterday opened its doors only to first-year students, while today second, third, fourth and fifth graders are expected (except for a dozen classes that will stay at home on dad).

Some 320 new members who are ordered in single file and well spaced in the three different entrances of the institute that correspond to the highest number of triage points, where the school employees verify that the children have the mask on correctly, deliver the self-certification and has no fever. For the most part smooth, except for three students in whom the thermometer flashed red light instead of green, marking a temperature of 37.8 that triggered the Covid protocol.

“We sat them down, they drank some fresh water – reports the deputy director of the baccalaureate, Diego Perón – after five minutes as required by the CTS guidelines, a second temperature measurement was carried out to two of them gave the green light, while for a female student it continued to give the same initial values ​​of 37.8 degrees ».

Immediate isolation in the room that was used as a Covid clinic next to the infirmary. There the young woman remained with a teacher and a Covid reference collaborator waiting for her mother to come to pick her up. “Now the student will be in charge of the family doctor -explains Mauro Fabris, professor of mathematics and deputy director- who will evaluate the symptoms and decide whether to do a swab”.

Sergio Mattarella to Vo Euganeo

Anna madron
