
The comedian “mocks” the left. And the leader of Acción takes it out on the governor of Lazio
For months Carlo Calenda has been leading a battle to try to free the Democratic Party from the yoke of the 5-star Movement that, according to the leader of Action, continues to dictate a political agenda that the Democrats cannot avoid suffering.
The “political” reading of the situation was not enough, now the leader of the pentastellati Beppe Grillo is also involved, who in one of his usual outings blatantly mocks the Democratic Party: “The left has few ideas, the right none. We have some. Let’s join forces. ” Left rejected, therefore, by the comedian and co-founder of the M5.
An affront that Calenda, who with the Democratic Party was elected to the European Parliament before separating and founding Action, cannot tolerate. To the point of taking it directly to the secretary Dem Nicola Zingaretti: “Nicola – he writes on Twitter – I really do not understand the meaning of continuing to kick Beppe Grillo and his companions in the ass. Mah”. What will the Lazio governor answer?