Ponte is 60 years old


BRIDGE IN THE ALPS Maybe you missed the bicycle prohibition sign and took that pedestrian path at the flyover, in viale Cadore, at the Peugeot dealership level, thinking you would be protected from the busy state highway. In fact, he chose the path that led directly to his death. At the moment, the personal data of the cyclist who lost his life on that pedestrian path yesterday around 5 in the afternoon is unknown. I did not know that this walkway, protected by a railing that delimits the state highway, ended with a 7-step flight.

He arrived, perhaps at high speed, feeling safe, perhaps thinking he was on a bike path, and ended up going down the stairs losing control of his red bike and hitting his head. The man, Armando Urago 60 years of Ponte nelle Alpi, died instantly and the resuscitation maneuvers that a Pontalpine mother who was passing desperately tried were useless. The identity of the deceased was discovered after hours. The men of the Belluno Traffic Police are working on the accident and the investigation of the family, coordinated by Commander Franco Fabbri, and they intervened yesterday with a legal aid patrol.

The bicycle accident, which did not involve other vehicles, had witnesses who witnessed the tragic scene: there is no mystery, therefore, about the dynamics. The rider, who was not wearing a helmet (not required by law), was coming from Longarone in the direction of the Bivio di Ponte at the flyover when, at the end of the route, he fell from the flight of stairs and hit his head. A very violent impact that fractured his skull and left him no way out. He lay lifeless on the road in a pool of blood. The call for help from the people who saw the accident was immediate. The woman began resuscitation maneuvers, led by 118 who immediately dispatched emergency vehicles. But it was all in vain.

The Stradale officers who conducted the surveys and reconstructed the incident also immediately intervened. The bicycle was seized for any investigation and the agents, in contact with the magistrate on duty, the deputy prosecutor Simone Marcon, gave the green light to remove the body. He was entrusted to the hearse and transferred to the Belluno hospital, where he is at the disposal of the Judiciary. Today, September 15, an external cadaveric investigation was conducted with findings from the autopsy physician. At the scene of the accident also the firefighters to clean the street.

The hope was to trace the identity of the person as soon as possible. It was not possible to immediately notify the relatives of the policemen: no disappearance reports, no documents or clues that led to the man’s first and last name. The man had a partner and two sisters who live abroad.
“An incredible and absurd dynamic: to lose one’s life like this …”, the mayor of Ponte nelle Alpi, Paolo Vendramini, simply said, heartbroken by what happened. The certainty of many Pontalpinos was that it was not a villager: there everyone knows that section of the pedestrian and knows those steps. The bicycle prohibition sign is large and very clear. Certainly some inhabitants of Viale Cadore yesterday, however, murmured complaining about the lack of security of that state highway to which the houses overlook. But that is another story. Last update: 12:31

