Start of classes, immunologist Viola: “Quarantined class work? Let’s not joke, wash your hands, the rest is hot air”


There has been a lot of discussion on the subject of quarantine for class work. Many schools in Italy are organizing to temporarily put aside sheets and notebooks, to avoid the spread of the coronavirus.

There has been a lot of discussion on the subject of quarantine for class work. Many schools in Italy are organizing to temporarily put aside sheets and notebooks, to avoid the spread of the coronavirus.

Already on Sunday the virologist Pierluigi Lopalco had dismantled the hypothesis: “My advice is: forget about the quarantine of sheets, photocopies and notebooks”, in a video on Facebook.

“On paper, the coronavirus objectively resists very little, it is a particularly permeable surface me – need – every drop that is emitted tends to be absorbed, in this way if you touch the sheets with your hands there is obviously less risk. The risk of contracting the coronavirus infection. – reiterates – it is very close to zero ”.

“The first measure to defend ourselves from these infections is hand hygiene, the teacher after removing the homework passes the alcoholic gel and thus eliminates the risk”, concludes Lopalco.

Now there is also the comment of the immunologist of the University of Padua, Antonella Viola: “I heard about absurd procedures for disinfecting notebooks, homework, books, pencils, and markers. The procedure is simple: wash your hands! Everything else is hot air. And this applies to both the notebooks and the pencil that we will use to vote. Mask, amuchina and let’s move on! “.
